Package: cairo

Function cairo-font-options-subpixel-order

Lambda List

cairo-font-options-subpixel-order (options)


(cairo-font-options-subpixel-order options) => order
(setf (cairo-font-options-subpixel-order options) order)


options -- a cairo-font-options-t instance
order -- a value of the cairo-subpixel-order-t enumeration


The cairo-font-options-subpixel-order function gets the subpixel order for the font options instance. The (setf cairo-font-options-subpixel-order) function sets the subpixel order. The subpixel order specifies the order of color elements within each pixel on the display device when rendering with an antialiasing mode of :subpixel. See the documentation for the cairo-subpixel-order-t enumeration for full details.

See also
