Package: cairo

Function cairo-toy-font-face-create

Lambda List

cairo-toy-font-face-create (family slant weight)


familiy -- a string with the font family name, encoded in UTF-8
slant -- a cairo-font-slant-t slant for the font
weight -- a cairo-font-weight-tweight for the font

Return Value

A newly created cairo-font-face-t instance. Free with the cairo-font-face-destroy function when you are done using it.


Creates a font face from a triplet of family, slant, and weight. These font faces are used in implementation of the the Cairo "toy" font API.

If family is the zero-length string "", the platform-specific default family is assumed. The default family then can be queried using the cairo-toy-font-face-get-family function.

The cairo-select-font-face function uses this to create font faces. See that function for limitations and other details of toy font faces.

See also
