Package: gdk-pixbuf

Function gdk-pixbuf-composite-color

Lambda List

gdk-pixbuf-composite-color (src dest x y width height xoffset yoffset xscale  yscale interp alpha xcheck ycheck size color1 color2)


src -- a gdk-pixbuf object
dest -- a gdk-pixbuf object into which to render the results
x -- an integer with the left coordinate for region to render
y -- an integer with the top coordinate for region to render
width -- an integer with the width of the region to render
height -- an integer with the height of the region to render
xoffset -- a double float with the offset in the x direction, currently rounded to an integer
yoffset -- a double float with the offset in the y direction, currently rounded to an integer
xscale -- a double float with the scale factor in the x direction
yscale -- a double float with the scale factor in the y direction
interp -- a gdk-interp-type interpolation type for the transformation
alpha -- an integer with the overall alpha for source image (0..255)
xcheck -- an integer with the x offset for the checkboard, origin of checkboard is at (-xcheck, -ycheck)
ycheck -- an integer with the y offset for the checkboard
size -- an integer with the size of checks in the checkboard, must be a power of two
color1 -- an unsigned integer with the color of check at upper left
color2 -- an unsigned integer with the color of the other check


Creates a transformation of the source image src by scaling by xscale and yscale then translating by xoffset and yoffset, then composites the rectangle (x, y, width, height) of the resulting image with a checkboard of the colors color1 and color2 and renders it onto the destination image.

See the gdk-pixbuf-composite-color-simple function for a simpler variant of this function suitable for many tasks.

See also
