Package: gio

Accessor g-application-action-group

Lambda List

g-application-action-group (object)


(setf (g-application-action-group object) group)


object -- a g-application instance
group -- a g-action-group object, or nil


Accessor of the action-group slot of the g-application class.

This used to be how actions were associated with a g-application instance. Now there is the g-action-map interface for that.


The g-application-action-group function has been deprecated since version 2.32 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the g-action-map interface instead. Never ever mix use of this API with use of the g-action-map interface on the same application or things will go very badly wrong. This function is known to introduce buggy behaviour, i.e. signals not emitted on changes to the action group.

See also
