Package: gobject

Function g-signal-emit

Lambda List

g-signal-emit (instance detailed &rest args)


instance -- a g-object instance the signal is being emitted on
detailed -- a string with the detailed signal name
args -- parameters to be passed to the signal

Return Value

The return value of the signal.


Emits a signal. Note that the g-signal-emit function resets the return value to the default if no handlers are connected.

Lisp implementation

In the Lisp implementation this function takes not the signal ID but the detailed signal name as an argument. For this case the C library has the g_signal_emit_by_name() function, which is not implemented in the Lisp binding.

At this time setting a GParam value is not implemented in the Lisp binding. Therefore, you can not emit a "notify::<property>" signal on an instance.

See also
