Package: gtk

Function gtk-builder-application

Lambda List

gtk-builder-application (builder)


(gtk-builder-application builder) => application
(setf (gtk-builder-application builder) application)


builder -- a gtk-builder object
application -- a gtk-application instance


Accessor of the application associated with the builder.

The gtk-builder-application function gets the application associated with the builder. The (setf gtk-builder-application) function sets the application.

The application is used for creating action proxies as requested from XML that the builder is loading. By default, the builder uses the default application: the one from the g-application-default function. If you want to use another application for constructing proxies, use the (setf gtk-builder-application) function.

You only need this function if there is more than one g-application instance in your process. The application argument cannot be nil.

See also
