Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-combo-box-column-span-column

Lambda List

gtk-combo-box-column-span-column (object)


(gtk-combo-box-column-span-column object) => column-span
(setf (gtk-combo-box-column-span-column object) column-span)


object -- a gtk-combo-box widget
column-span -- an integer with a column in the model passed during construction


Accessor of the column-span-column slot of the gtk-combo-box class.

The slot access function gtk-combo-box-column-span-column returns the column with column span information. The slot access function (setf gtk-combo-box-column-span-column) sets the column with column span information for the combo box to be column-span. The column span column contains integers which indicate how many columns an item should span.

See also
