Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-entry-width-chars

Lambda List

gtk-entry-width-chars (object)


(gtk-entry-width-chars object) => n-chars
(setf (gtk-entry-width-chars object) n-chars)


object -- a gtk-entry widget
n-chars -- an integer with the width in chars


Accessor of the width-chars slot of the gtk-entry class.

The gtk-entry-width-chars slot access function returns the number of chars to request space for, or negative if unset. The (setf gtk-entry-width-chars) function changes the size request of the entry to be about the right size for n-chars characters.

Note that it changes the size request, the size can still be affected by how you pack the widget into containers. If the n-chars argument is -1, the size reverts to the default entry size.

See also
