Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-event-controller-propagation-phase

Lambda List

gtk-event-controller-propagation-phase (object)


(gtk-event-controller-propagation-phase object) => phase)
(setf (gtk-event-controller-propagation-phase object) phase)


object -- a gtk-event-controller object
phase -- the propagation phase of type gtk-propagation-phase


Accessor of the propagation-phase slot of the gtk-event-controller class.

The slot access function gtk-event-controller-propagation-phase gets the propagation phase at which controller handles events. The slot access function (setf gtk-event-controller-propagation-phase) sets the propagation phase at which a controller handles events.

If phase is :phase-none, no automatic event handling will be performed, but other additional gesture maintenance will. In that phase, the events can be managed by calling the function gtk-event-controller-handle-event.

See also
