Package: gtk

Function gtk-icon-theme-lookup-icon-for-scale

Lambda List

gtk-icon-theme-lookup-icon-for-scale (theme name size scale flags)


theme -- a gtk-icon-theme object
name -- a string with the name of the icon to lookup
size -- an integer for the desired icon size
scale -- an integer for the desired scale
flags -- a gtk-icon-lookup-flags value modifying the behavior of the icon lookup

Return Value

A gtk-icon-info instance containing information about the icon, or nil if the icon was not found.


Looks up a named icon for a particular window scale and returns a gtk-icon-info instance containing information such as the filename of the icon. The icon can then be rendered into a pixbuf using the gtk-icon-info-load-icon function. The gtk-icon-theme-load-icon function combines these two steps if all you need is the pixbuf.

See also
