Package: gtk

Function gtk-list-store-new

Lambda List

gtk-list-store-new (&rest column-types)


column-types -- all g-type types for the columns, from first to last

Return Value

A new gtk-list-store object.


Creates a new list store as with each of the types passed in. Note that only types derived from standard GType fundamental types are supported.


The following example creates a new gtk-list-store object with three columnes, of type "gint", "gchararray" and "GdkPixbuf".
(gtk-list-store-new "gint" "gchararray" "GdkPixbuf")    
Note that in the Lisp binding a second implementation is
(make-instance 'gtk-list-store
               :column-types '("gint" "gchararray" "GdkPixbuf"))    

See also
