Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-numerable-icon-count

Lambda List

gtk-numerable-icon-count (object)


(gtk-numerable-icon-count object) => count
(setf (gtk-numerable-icon-count object) count)


object -- a gtk-numerable-icon object
count -- an integer between -99 and 99


Accessor of the count slot of the gtk-numerable-icon class.

The slot access function gtk-numerable-icon-count returns the value currently displayed by the numerable icon. The slot access function (setf gtk-numerable-icon-count) sets the currently displayed value.

The numeric value is always clamped to make it two digits, i.e. between -99 and 99. Setting a count of zero removes the emblem. If this method is called, and a label was already set on the numerable icon, it will automatically be reset to nil before rendering the number, i.e. the last method called between the functions gtk-numerable-icon-count and gtk-numerable-icon-label has always priority.


The function gtk-numerable-icon-count has been deprecated since version 3.14 and should not be used in newly written code.

See also
