Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-places-sidebar-open-flags

Lambda List

gtk-places-sidebar-open-flags (object)


(gtk-places-sidebar-open-flags object) => flags
(setf (gtk-places-sidebar-open-flags object) flags)


object -- a gtk-places-sidebar widget
flags -- bitmask of type gtk-places-open-flags of modes in which the calling application can open locations


Accessor of the open-flags slot of the gtk-places-sidebar class.

The slot access function gtk-places-sidebar-open-flags gets the open flags. The slot access function (setf gtk-places-sidebar-open-flags) sets the way in which the calling application can open new locations from the places sidebar. For example, some applications only open locations "directly" into their main view, while others may support opening locations in a new notebook tab or a new window.

This function is used to tell the places sidebar about the ways in which the application can open new locations, so that the sidebar can display (or not) the "Open in new tab" and "Open in new window" menu items as appropriate.

When the "open-location" signal is emitted, its flags argument will be set to one of the flags that was passed in the function gtk-places-sidebar-open-flags.

Passing 0 for flags will cause :normal to always be sent to callbacks for the "open-location" signal.

See also
