Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-popover-position

Lambda List

gtk-popover-position (object)


(gtk-popover-pointing-to object) => position
(setf (gtk-popover-pointing-to object) position)


object -- a gtk-popover widget
position -- a gtk-position-type value with the preferred popover position


Accessor of the position slot of the gtk-popover class.

The gtk-popover-position slot access function returns the preferred position of the popover. The (setf gtk-popover-position) slot access function sets the preferred position for the popover to appear. If the popover is currently visible, it will be immediately updated.

This preference will be respected where possible, although on lack of space, e.g. if close to the window edges, the gtk-popover widget may choose to appear on the opposite side.

See also
