Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-print-operation-print-settings

Lambda List

gtk-print-operation-print-settings (object)


(gtk-print-operation-print-settings object) => settings
(setf (gtk-print-operation-print-settings object) settings)


object -- a gtk-print-operation object
settings -- a gtk-print-settings object


Accessor of the print-settings slot of the gtk-print-operation class.

The slot access function gtk-print-operation-print-settings returns the current print settings. The slot access function (setf gtk-print-operation-print-settings) sets the print settings for the print operation. This is typically used to re-establish print settings from a previous print operation.

Note that the return value is nil until either the function gtk-print-operation-print-settings or the function gtk-print-operation-run have been called.

See also
