Package: gtk

Function gtk-search-entry-handle-event

Lambda List

gtk-search-entry-handle-event (entry event)


entry -- a gtk-entry-search widget
event -- a key event of type gdk-event

Return Value

The +gdk-event-stop+ value if the key press event resulted in a search beginning or continuing, the +gdk-event-propagate+ value otherwise.


This function should be called when the toplevel window which contains the search entry received a key event. If the entry is part of a search bar, it is preferable to call the gtk-search-bar-handle-event function instead, which will reveal the entry in addition to passing the event to this function.

If the key event is handled by the search entry and starts or continues a search, the +gdk-event-stop+ value will be returned. The caller should ensure that the entry is shown in this case, and not propagate the event further.

See also
