Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-separator-tool-item-draw

Lambda List

gtk-separator-tool-item-draw (object)


(gtk-separator-tool-item-draw object) => draw)
(setf (gtk-separator-tool-item-draw object) draw)


object -- a gtk-separator-tool-item widget
draw -- a boolean whether object is drawn as a vertical line


Accessor of the draw slot of the gtk-separator-tool-item class.

The gtk-separator-tool-item-draw slot access function returns whether the separator tool item is drawn as a line, or just blank. The (setf gtk-separator-tool-item-draw) slot access function returns whether item is drawn as a vertical line, or just blank.

Setting this to false along with the gtk-tool-item-expand function is useful to create an item that forces following items to the end of the toolbar.

See also
