Package: gtk

Function gtk-spin-button-increments

Lambda List

gtk-spin-button-increments (spin-button)


(gtk-spin-button-increments spin-button) => step, page
(setf (gtk-spin-button-increments spin-button) (list step page))


spin-button -- a gtk-spin-button widget
step -- a double float increment applied for a button 1 press
page -- a double float increment applied for a button 2 press


Accessor of the step and page increments of the spin button.

The function gtk-spin-button-increments gets the current step and page increments used by the spin button. The function (setf gtk-spin-button-increments) sets the step and page increments.

This affects how quickly the value changes when the spin button's arrows are activated.


The values for the page and step increments are stored in the page-increment and step-increment slots of the adjustment associated with the spin button.

See also
