Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-stack-vhomogeneous

Lambda List

gtk-stack-vhomogeneous (object)


(gtk-stack-vhomogeneous object) => homogeneous
(setf (gtk-stack-vhomogeneous object) homogeneous)


object -- a gtk-stack widget
homogeneous -- true to make the stack vertically homogeneous


Accessor of the vhomogeneous slot of the gtk-stack class.

The gtk-stack-vhomogeneous slot access function gets whether the stack is vertically homogeneous. The (setf gtk-stack-vhomogeneous) slot access function sets the stack to be vertically homogeneous or not.

If the stack is homogeneous, the stack will request the same height for all its children. If it is not, the stack may change height when a different child becomes visible.

See also
