Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-status-icon-tooltip-text

Lambda List

gtk-status-icon-tooltip-text (object)


(gtk-status-icon-tooltip-text object) => text
(setf (gtk-status-icon-tooltip-text object) text)


object -- a gtk-status-icon widget
text -- a string with the contents of the tooltip for the status icon


Accessor of the tooltip-text slot of the gtk-status-icon class.

The slot access function gtk-status-icon-tooltip-text gets the contents of the tooltip for the status icon. The slot access function (setf gtk-status-icon-tooltip-text) sets the text of the tooltip.

This function will take care of setting the has-tooltip property to true and of the default handler for the "query-tooltip" signal.


The function gtk-status-icon-tooltip-text has been deprecated since version 3.14 and should not be used in newly written code.

See also
