Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-style-context-direction

Lambda List

gtk-style-context-direction (object)


(gtk-style-context-direction object) => direction
(setf (gtk-style-context-direction object) direction)


object -- a gtk-style-context object
direction -- a value of the gtk-text-direction enumeration


Accessor of the direction slot of the gtk-style-context class.

The gtk-style-context-direction slot access function returns the widget direction used for rendering. The (setf gtk-style-context-direction) slot access function sets the reading direction.

If you are using a style context returned from the gtk-widget-style-context function, you do not need to call this yourself.


The gtk-style-context-direction slot access function has been deprecated since version 3.8 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the gtk-style-context-state function and check for the :dir-ltr and :dir-rtl values instead.

See also
