Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-tool-item-is-important

Lambda List

gtk-tool-item-is-important (object)


gtk-tool-item-is-important object) => setting
(setf (gtk-tool-item-is-important object) setting)


object -- a gtk-tool-item widget
setting -- a boolean whether the tool item should be considered important


Accessor of the is-important slot of the gtk-tool-item class.

The gtk-tool-item-is-important slot access function returns whether the tool item is considered important. The (setf gtk-tool-item-is-important) slot access function sets whether the tool item should be considered important.

The gtk-tool-button class uses this property to determine whether to show or hide its label when the toolbar style is :both-horiz. The result is that only tool buttons with the is-important property set have labels, an effect known as "priority text".

See also
