Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-window-hide-titlebar-when-maximized

Lambda List

gtk-window-hide-titlebar-when-maximized (object)


(gtk-window-hide-titlebar-when-maximized object) => setting
(setf (gtk-window-hide-titlebar-when-maximized object) setting)


object -- a gtk-window widget
setting -- a boolean whether to hide the titlebar when the window is maximized


Accessor of the hide-titlebar-when-maximized slot of the gtk-window class.

The gtk-window-hide-titlebar-when-maximized slot access function returns whether the window has requested to have its titlebar hidden when maximized. The (setf gtk-window-hide-titlebar-when-maximized) slot access function sets whether to hide the titlebar when the window is maximized.

If the setting argument is true, then the window will request that its titlebar should be hidden when maximized. This is useful for windows that do not convey any information other than the application name in the titlebar, to put the available screen space to better use. If the underlying window system does not support the request, the setting will not have any effect.

See also
