Package: pango

Function pango-layout-indent

Lambda List

pango-layout-indent (layout)


(pango-layout-indent layout) => indent
(setf (pango-layout-indent layout) indent)


layout -- a pango-layout object
indent -- an integer with the amount by which to indent


Accessor of the indent in Pango units of the Pango layout.

The function pango-layout-indent gets the paragraph indent width in Pango units. A negative value indicates a hanging indentation. The function (setf pango-layout-indent) sets the width in Pango units to indent each paragraph. A negative value of indent will produce a hanging indentation. That is, the first line will have the full width, and subsequent lines will be indented by the absolute value of indent.

The indent setting is ignored if the layout alignment is set to PANGO_ALIGN_CENTER.

See also
