Package: pango

Function pango-shape-full

Lambda List

pango-shape-full (text length paragraph-text paragraph-length analysis glyphs)


item-text -- a string with valid UTF-8 text to shape
item-length -- an integer with the length (in bytes) of item-text, -1 means nul-terminated text
paragraph-text -- a string with the text of the paragraph (see details), may be NULL
paragraph-length -- an integer with the length (in bytes) of paragraph-text, -1 means nul-terminated text
analysis -- a pango-analysis instance from the function pango-itemize
glyphs -- a pango-glyph-string instance in which to store results


Given a segment of text and the corresponding pango-analysis instance returned from the function pango-itemize, convert the characters into glyphs. You may also pass in only a substring of the item from the function pango-itemize.

This is similar to the function pango-shape, except it also can optionally take the full paragraph text as input, which will then be used to perform certain cross-item shaping interactions. If you have access to the broader text of which item-text is part of, provide the broader text as paragraph-text. If paragraph-text is NULL, item text is used instead.

Note that the extra attributes in the analyis that is returned from the function pango-itemize have indices that are relative to the entire paragraph, so you do not pass the full paragraph text as paragraph_text, you need to subtract the item offset from their indices before calling the function pango-shape-full.

See also
