Package: pango

Function pango-tailor-break

Lambda List

pango-tailor-break (text length analysis offset log-attrs log-attrs-len)


text -- a string with the text to process, must be valid UTF-8
length -- an integer with the length in bytes of text
analysis -- a pango-analysis instance from the function pango-itemize for text
offset -- an integer with the byte offset of text from the beginning of the paragraph, or -1 to ignore attributes from analysis
log-attrs -- array with one pango-log-attr instance per character in text, plus one extra, to be filled in
log-attrs-len -- an integer with the length of log-attrs array


Apply language-specific tailoring to the breaks in log-attrs, which are assumed to have been produced by the function pango-default-break.

If offset is not -1, it is used to apply attributes from analysis that are relevant to line breaking.

Since 1.44

See also
