Package: gdk

Class gdk-drawing-context


g-object, common-lisp:standard-object, common-lisp:t

Documented Subclasses


Direct Slots

The clip property of type cairo-region-t (Read / Write / Construct Only)
The clip region applied to the drawing context. Since 3.22
The window property of type gdk-window (Read / Write / Construct Only)
The window that created the drawing context. Since 3.22


gdk-drawing-context is an object that represents the current drawing state of a gdk-window object.

It is possible to use a gdk-drawing-context object to draw on a gdk-window object via rendering API like Cairo or OpenGL.

A gdk-drawing-context object can only be created by calling the function gdk-window-begin-draw-frame and will be valid until a call to the function gdk-window-end-draw-frame.

The gdk-drawing-context class is available since GDK 3.22.

Inherited Slot Access Functions

See also
