Up: cl-cffi-gtk API documentation

Package gdk

GDK is an intermediate layer which isolates GTK from the details of the windowing system. This is the API documentation of a Lisp binding to GDK.

About This Package

RGBA Colors
Frame Clock
Frame timings
OpenGL context
Event Structures
Key Values
Drag and Drop
Properties and Atoms
Pango Interaction
Cairo Interaction
X Window System Interaction
Application launching


This section describes the GDK initialization functions and miscellaneous utility functions, as well as deprecation facilities.

Gets the display name specified in the command line arguments passed to the gdk_init or gdk_parse_args functions, if any. ...

Indicates to the GUI environment that the application has finished loading. ...

Indicates to the GUI environment that the application has finished loading, using a given startup notification identifier. ...

Sets a list of backends that GDK should try to use. ...

Accessor of the program class. ...


Maintains a list of all open GdkDisplays.

The purpose of the gdk-display-manager singleton object is to offer notification when displays appear or disappear or the default display changes. ...

Accessor of the default-display slot of the gdk-display-manager class. ...

Gets the gdk-display-manager singleton object. ...

List all currently open displays. ...

Opens a display. ...


Controls a set of GdkScreens and their associated input devices.

The gdk-display object purpose is two fold:
  • To manage and provide information about input devices (pointers and keyboards).
  • To manage and provide information about the available gdk-screen objects.

Opens a display named by display-name. ...

Gets the default display. ...

Gets the name of the display. ...

Gets the number of screens managed by the display. ...

Returns a screen object for one of the screens of the display. ...

Get the default screen for the display. ...

Returns the device manager associated to the display. ...

Returns true if there is an ongoing grab on the device for the display. ...

Emits a short beep on the display. ...

Flushes any requests queued for the windowing system and waits until all requests have been handled. ...

Flushes any requests queued for the windowing system. ...

Closes the connection to the windowing system for the given display, and cleans up associated resources. ...

Finds out if the display has been closed. ...

Gets the next event to be processed for the display, fetching events from the windowing system if necessary. ...

Gets a copy of the first event in the event queue of the display, without removing the event from the queue. ...

Appends a copy of the given event onto the front of the event queue for the display. ...

Returns whether the display has events that are waiting to be processed. ...

Sets the double click time. ...

Sets the double click distance. ...

Returns true if multicolored cursors are supported on the display. ...

Returns true if cursors can use an 8 bit alpha channel on the display. ...

Returns the default size to use for cursors on the display. ...

Gets the maximal size to use for cursors on the display. ...

Returns the default group leader window for all toplevel windows on the display. ...

Returns whether gdk-event-owner-change events will be sent when the owner of a selection changes. ...

Request gdk-event-owner-change events for ownership changes of the selection named by the given atom. ...

Returns whether the specified display supports clipboard persistance. ...

Issues a request to the clipboard manager to store the clipboard data. ...

Returns true if the gdk-window-shape-combine-region function can be used to create shaped windows on the display. ...

Returns true if the gdk-window-input-shape-combine-region function can be used to modify the input shape of windows on the display. ...

Returns true if the gdk-window-composited function can be used to redirect drawing on the window using compositing. ...

Returns a gdk-app-launch-context object suitable for launching applications on the given display. ...

Indicates to the GUI environment that the application has finished loading, using a given identifier. ...

Returns the default seat object for this display. ...

Returns the list of seats known to display. ...

Gets the number of monitors that belong to display . ...

Gets a monitor associated with this display. ...

Gets the primary monitor for the display. ...

Gets the monitor in which the point (x, y) is located, or a nearby monitor if the point is not in any monitor. ...

Gets the monitor in which the largest area of window resides, or a monitor close to the window if it is outside of all monitors. ...


Object representing a physical screen.

The gdk-screen object is the GDK representation of the screen on which windows can be displayed and on which the pointer moves. ...

Accessor of the font-options slot of the gdk-screen class. ...

Accessor of the resolution slot of the gdk-screen class. ...

Gets the default screen for the default display. ...

Get the default visual of the system for the screen. ...

Gets a visual to use for creating windows with an alpha channel. ...

Returns whether windows with an RGBA visual can reasonably be expected to have their alpha channel drawn correctly on the screen. ...

Gets the root window of the screen. ...

Gets the display to which the screen belongs. ...

Gets the index of the screen among the screens in the display to which it belongs. ...

Gets the width of the screen in pixels. ...

Gets the height of the screen in pixels. ...

Gets the width of the screen in millimeters. ...

Returns the height of the screen in millimeters. ...

Lists the available visuals for the specified screen. ...

Obtains a list of all toplevel windows known to GDK on the screen. ...

Determines the name to pass to the function gdk-display-open to get a gdk-display object with this screen as the default screen. ...

Returns the number of monitors which the screen consists of. ...

Gets the primary monitor for the screen. ...

Retrieves the rectangle representing the size and position of the individual monitor within the entire screen area. ...

Retrieves the rectangle representing the size and position of the "work area" on a monitor within the entire screen area. ...

Returns the monitor number in which the point (x, y) is located. ...

Returns the number of the monitor in which the largest area of the bounding rectangle of the window resides. ...

Gets the height in millimeters of the specified monitor. ...

Gets the width in millimeters of the specified monitor, if available. ...

Returns the output name of the specified monitor. Usually something like VGA, DVI, or TV, not the actual product name of the display device. ...

Returns the internal scale factor that maps from monitor coordiantes to the actual device pixels. ...

Retrieves a desktop wide setting such as double-click time for the screen. ...

Returns the currently active window of the screen. ...

Returns a list of windows representing the current window stack. ...


Object representing an user seat.

Flags describing the seat capabilities. ...

The gdk-seat object represents a collection of input devices that belong to a user. ...

Accessor of the display slot of the gdk-seat class. ...

Grabs the seat so that all events corresponding to the given capabilities are passed to this application until the seat is ungrabbed with the function gdk-seat-ungrab, or the window becomes hidden. ...

Releases a grab added through the function gdk-seat-grab. ...

Returns the capabilities this gdk-seat object currently has. ...

Returns the master device that routes pointer events. ...

Returns the master device that routes keyboard events. ...

Returns the slave devices that match the given capabilities. ...


Object representing an output.

This enumeration describes how the red, green and blue components of physical pixels on an output device are laid out. ...

The gdk-monitor class represents the individual outputs that are associated with a gdk-display object. ...

Accessor of the display slot of the gdk-monitor class. ...

Accessor of the geometry slot of the gdk-monitor class. ...

Accessor of the height-mm slot of the gdk-monitor class. ...

Accessor of the manufacturer slot of the gdk-monitor class. ...

Accessor of the model slot of the gdk-monitor class. ...

Accessor of the refresh-rate slot of the gdk-monitor class. ...

Accessor of the scale-factor slot of the gdk-monitor class. ...

Accessor of the subpixel-layout slot of the gdk-monitor class. ...

Accessor of the width-mm slot of the gdk-monitor class. ...

Accessor of the workarea slot of the gdk-monitor class. ...

Gets whether the monitor should be considered primary. ...


Object representing an input device.

An enumeration describing the type of an input device in general terms. ...

An enumeration that describes the mode of an input device. ...

An enumeration describing the way in which a device axis (valuator) maps onto the predefined valuator types that GTK understands. ...

Flags describing the current capabilities of a device/tool. ...

Indicates the specific type of tool being used being a tablet. Such as an airbrush, pencil, etc. ...

Indicates the device type. See above for more information about the meaning of these device types. ...

Defines how device grabs interact with other devices. ...

The gdk-time-coord structure stores a single event in a motion history. ...

Returned by the gdk-seat-grab function to indicate success or the reason for the failure of the grab attempt. ...

A physical tool associated to a gdk-device object. ...

Accessor of the axes slot of the gdk-device-tool class. ...

Accessor of the axes slot of the gdk-device-tool class. ...

Accessor of the serial slot of the gdk-device-tool class. ...

Accessor of the tool-type slot of the gdk-device-tool class. ...

The gdk-device object represents a single input device, such as a keyboard, a mouse, a touchpad, etc. ...

Accessor of the associated-device slot of the gdk-device class. ...

Accessor of the axes slot of the gdk-device class. ...

Accessor of the device-manager slot of the gdk-device class. ...

Accessor of the display slot of the gdk-device class. ...

Accessor of the has-cursor slot of the gdk-device class. ...

Accessor of the input-mode slot of the gdk-device class. ...

Accessor of the input-source slot of the gdk-device class. ...

Accessor of the n-axes slot of the gdk-device class. ...

Accessor of the name slot of the gdk-device class. ...

Accessor of the num-touches slot of the gdk-device class. ...

Accessor of the product-id slot of the gdk-device class. ...

Accessor of the seat slot of the gdk-device class. ...

Accessor of the tool slot of the gdk-device class. ...

Accessor of the type slot of the gdk-device class. ...

Accessor of the vendor-id slot of the gdk-device class. ...

Accessor of the keyval and modifiers of a device. ...

Accessor of the value specifying how the axis is used. ...

If the device is of type :master, it will return the list of slave devices attached to it, otherwise it will return nil. ...

Returns the number of keys the device currently has. ...

Warps the device to the point x,y on the screen. ...

Grabs the device so that all events coming from this device are passed to this application until the device is ungrabbed with the gdk-device-ungrab function, or the window becomes unviewable. ...

Release any grab on the device. ...

Gets the current state of a pointer device relative to the window. ...

Gets the current location of the device. ...

Gets the current location of the device in double precision. ...

Obtains the window underneath the device, returning the location of the device. ...

Obtains the window underneath the device, returning the location of the device in double precision. ...

Obtains the motion history for a pointer device. ...

Interprets a list of double as axis values for a given device, and locates the value in the array for a given axis use. ...

Returns a list of atoms as string, containing the labels for the axes that the device currently has. ...

Interprets a list of double floats as axis values for a given device, and locates the value in the array for a given axis label, as returned by the gdk-device-list-axes function. ...

Gets information about which window the given pointer device is in, based on events that have been received so far from the display server. ...


Pad device interface.

A pad feature. ...

gdk-device-pad is an interface implemented by devices of type :tablet-pad, it allows querying the features provided by the pad device. ...

Returns the number of groups this pad device has. ...

Returns the number of modes that the group may have. ...

Returns the number of features a tablet pad has. ...

Returns the group the given feature and index belong to, or -1 if feature/index do not exist in pad . ...


Simple graphical data types.

GDK provides the gdk-rectangle data type for representing sets of pixels on the screen. Together with Cairo's cairo-region-t data type, they make up the central types for representing graphical data.

Defines the position and size of a rectangle. ...

Accessor of the x slot of the gdk-rectangle structure. ...

Accessor of the y slot of the gdk-rectangle structure. ...

Accessor of the width slot of the gdk-rectangle structure. ...

Accessor of the height slot of the gdk-rectangle structure. ...

Returns a gdk-rectangle instance with the initial values given to x, y, width, and height. ...

Copy constructor of a gdk-rectangle structure. ...

Calculates the intersection of two rectangles. ...

Calculates the union of two rectangles. ...

Checks if the two given rectangles are equal. ...


Functions for obtaining pixbufs.

Pixbufs are client-side images. For details on how to create and manipulate pixbufs, see the gdk-pixbuf API documentation. The functions described here allow to obtain pixbufs from gdk-window objects and Cairo surfaces.

Transfers image data from a gdk-window object and converts it to an RGB(A) representation inside a gdk-pixbuf object. ...

Transfers image data from a cairo-surface-t instance and converts it to an RGB(A) representation inside a gdk-pixbuf object. ...

RGBA Colors

The gdk-rgba structure is a convenient way to pass RGBA colors around. It is based on Cairo's way to deal with colors and mirrors its behavior. All values are in the range from 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive. So the color
(gdk-rgba-new :red 0.0 :green 0.0 :blue 0.0 :alpha 0.0)    
represents transparent black and
(gdk-rgba-new :red 1.0 :green 1.0 :blue 1.0 :alpha 1.0)    
is opaque white. Other values will be clamped to this range when drawing.

The gdk-rgba structure is used to represent a (possibly translucent) color, in a way that is compatible with Cairo's notion of color. ...

Accessor of the red slot of the gdk-rgba color. ...

Accessor of the green slot of the gdk-rgba color. ...

Accessor of the blue slot of the gdk-rgba color. ...

Accessor of the alpha slot of the gdk-rgba color. ...

Creates a gdk-rgba color. ...

Makes a copy of a gdk-rgba color. ...

Parses a textual representation of a color, and returns a RGBA instance filling in the red, green, blue and alpha fields. ...

Compares two RGBA colors. ...

A hash function suitable for using for a hash table that stores RGBA colors. ...

Returns a textual specification of color in the form rgb(r,g,b) or rgba(r,g,b,a), where r, g, b and a represent the red, green, blue and alpha values respectively. ...


Low-level display hardware information

A set of values that describe the manner in which the pixel values for a visual are converted into RGB values for display. ...

A set of values describing the possible byte-orders for storing pixel values in memory. ...

A gdk-visual object describes a particular video hardware display format. ...

This function returns the available bit depths for the default screen. ...

This function returns the available visual types for the default screen. ...

Lists the available visuals for the default screen. ...

Returns the number of significant bits per red, green and blue value. ...

Obtains values that are needed to calculate blue pixel values in TrueColor and DirectColor. ...

Obtains values that are needed to calculate green pixel values in TrueColor and DirectColor. ...

Obtains values that are needed to calculate red pixel values in TrueColor and DirectColor. ...

Returns the byte order of the visual. ...

Returns the size of a colormap for the visual. ...

Returns the bit depth of the visual. ...

Returns the type of visual this is (PseudoColor, TrueColor, etc). ...

Get the best available depth for the default GDK screen. ...

Return the best available visual type for the default GDK screen. ...

Get the default visual of the system for the default GDK screen. ...

Get the visual with the most available colors for the default GDK screen. ...

Get the best visual with depth for the default GDK screen. ...

Get the best visual of the given visual type for the default GDK screen. ...

Gets the screen to which the visual belongs. ...


Standard and pixmap cursors.

The standard cursors available. ...

The gdk-cursor object represents a cursor. ...

Accessor of the cursor-type slot of the gdk-cursor class. ...

Accessor of the display slot of the gdk-cursor class. ...

Creates a new cursor from the set of builtin cursors for the default display. See the gdk-cursor-new-for-display function. ...

Creates a new cursor from a pixbuf. ...

Creates a new cursor from a cairo image surface. ...

Creates a new cursor by looking up name in the current cursor theme. ...

Creates a new cursor from the set of builtin cursors. ...

Returns a gdk-pixbuf object with the image used to display the cursor. ...

Returns a Cairo image surface with the image used to display the cursor. ...


Onscreen display areas in the target window system.

Describes the kind of the window. ...

:input-output windows are the standard kind of window you might expect. ...

Used to indicate which fields of a gdk-geometry structure should be paid attention to. ...

Defines the reference point of a window and the meaning of coordinates passed to the function gtk-window-move. ...

The gdk-geometry structure gives the window manager information about a window's geometry constraints. ...

Creates a gdk-geometry structure. ...

Positioning hints for aligning a window relative to a rectangle. ...

Determines a window edge or corner. ...

These are hints for the window manager that indicate what type of function the window has. ...

Attributes to use for a newly created window. ...

Creates a gdk-window-attr structure with default values for the arguments. ...

Used to indicate which fields in the gdk-window-attr structure should be honored. ...

Indicates which monitor (in a multi-head setup) a window should span over when in fullscreen mode. ...

Specifies the result of applying a GdkFilterFunc to a native event. ...

This enum is used with the function gdk-keymap-modifier-mask in order to determine what modifiers the currently used windowing system backend uses for particular purposes. ...

These are hints originally defined by the Motif toolkit. ...

These are hints originally defined by the Motif toolkit. ...

Onscreen display areas in the target window system. ...

Accessor of the cursor slot of the gdk-window class. ...

Creates a new window using the attributes from attributes. ...

Destroys the window system resources associated with window and decrements window's reference count. ...

Gets the type of the window. ...

Gets the display associated with a window. ...

Gets the screen associated with a window. ...

Gets the visual describing the pixel format of a window. ...

Obtains the window underneath the mouse pointer, returning the location of that window in win-x, win-y. ...

Like the function gdk-window-show-unraised, but also raises the window to the top of the window stack, moves the window to the front of the z-order. ...

Shows a window onscreen, but does not modify its stacking order. ...

For toplevel windows, withdraws them, so they will no longer be known to the window manager. ...

Check to see if a window is destroyed. ...

Checks whether the window has been mapped with the functions gdk-window-show or gdk-window-show-unraised. ...

Check if the window and all ancestors of the window are mapped. ...

Determines whether or not the window is an input only window. ...

Determines whether or not the window is shaped. ...

Gets the bitwise OR of the currently active window state flags, from the gdk-window-state enumeration. ...

Withdraws a window, that is, unmaps it and asks the window manager to forget about it. ...

Asks to iconify (minimize) window. ...

Attempt to deiconify (unminimize) window. ...

"Pins" a window such that it is on all workspaces and does not scroll with viewports, for window managers that have scrollable viewports. ...

Reverse operation for the function gdk-window-stick. ...

Maximizes the window. ...

Unmaximizes the window. ...

Moves the window into fullscreen mode. ...

Moves the window into fullscreen mode on the given monitor. ...

Moves the window out of fullscreen mode. ...

Accessor of the fullscreen mode applied to the window when fullscreen. ...

Set if the window must be kept above other windows. ...

Set if the window must be kept below other windows. ...

Request the windowing system to make window partially transparent, with opacity 0 being fully transparent and 1 fully opaque. ...

The function gdk-window-compositeddetermines whether window is composited. ...

The function gdk-window-pass-through returns whether input to the window is passed through to the window below. ...

Repositions a window relative to its parent window. ...

Resizes the window, for toplevel windows, asks the window manager to resize the window. ...

Equivalent to calling the functions gdk-window-move and gdk-window-resize, except that both operations are performed at once, avoiding strange visual effects. ...

Scroll the contents of window, both pixels and children, by the given amount. ...

Moves the window to rect, aligning their anchor points. ...

Move the part of window indicated by region by dy pixels in the y direction and dx pixels in the x direction. ...

This function does nothing. ...

Checks whether the window has a native window or not. ...

Tries to ensure that there is a window-system native window for this window. ...

Reparents window into the given new-parent. ...

Raises the window to the top of the z-order (stacking order), so that other windows with the same parent window appear below the window. ...

Lowers the window to the bottom of the z-order (stacking order), so that other windows with the same parent window appear above the window. ...

Changes the position of the window in the z-order (stacking order), so that it is above sibling, if above is true, or below sibling, if above is false. ...

Sets keyboard focus to window. ...

Registers a window as a potential drop destination.

Begins a window resize operation for a toplevel window. ...

Begins a window resize operation for a toplevel window. ...

Begins a window move operation for a toplevel window. ...

Begins a window move operation for a toplevel window. ...

Asks the windowing system to show the window menu. ...

Constrains a desired width and height according to a set of geometry hints such as minimum and maximum size. ...

Emits a short beep associated to window in the appropriate display, if supported. ...

Returns the internal scale factor that maps from window coordiantes to the actual device pixels. ...

For optimisation purposes, compositing window managers may like to not draw obscured regions of windows, or turn off blending during for these regions. ...

Computes the region of a window that potentially can be written to by drawing primitives. ...

A convenience wrapper around the function gdk-window-begin-paint-region which creates a rectangular region for you. ...

Indicates that you are beginning the process of redrawing region. ...

Indicates that the backing store created by the most recent call to the function gdk-window-begin-paint-region should be copied onscreen and deleted, leaving the next-most-recent backing store or no backing store at all as the active paint region. ...

Indicates that you are beginning the process of redrawing region on window, and provides you with a gdk-drawing-context object. ...

Indicates that the drawing of the contents of window started with the function gdk-window-begin-draw-frame has been completed. ...

Computes the region of the window that is potentially visible. This does not necessarily take into account if the window is obscured by other windows, but no area outside of this region is visible.

A convenience wrapper around the function gdk-window-invalidate-region which invalidates a rectangular region. ...

Adds region to the update area for window. ...

Adds region to the update area for window. ...

Transfers ownership of the update area from window to the caller of the function. ...

Temporarily freezes a window such that it will not receive expose events. ...

Thaws a window frozen with the function gdk-window-freeze-updates. ...

Calls the function gdk-window-process-updates for all windows. ...

Sends one or more expose events to window. ...

With update debugging enabled, calls to the function gdk-window-invalidate-region clear the invalidated region of the screen to a noticeable color, and GDK pauses for a short time before sending exposes to windows during the function gdk-window-process-updates. ...

Does nothing, present only for compatiblity. ...

Does nothing, present only for compatiblity. ...

Gets the frame clock for the window. ...

The function gdk-window-user-data retrieves the user data for window, which is normally the widget that window belongs to. ...

An override redirect window is not under the control of the window manager. ...

Determines whether or not the desktop environment should be hinted that the window does not want to receive input focus. ...

Whether or not the window wants to receive input focus when it is mapped. ...

Makes pixels in the window outside shape-region be transparent, so that the window may be nonrectangular. ...

Sets the shape mask of the window to the union of shape masks for all children of the window, ignoring the shape mask of the window itself. ...

Merges the shape masks for any child windows into the shape mask for the window. ...

Like the function gdk-window-shape-combine-region, but the shape applies only to event handling. ...

Sets the input shape mask of the window to the union of input shape masks for all children of window, ignoring the input shape mask of window itself. ...

Merges the input shape masks for any child windows into the input shape mask for window. ...

Set the bit gravity of the given window to static, and flag it so all children get static subwindow gravity. ...

Sets the title of a toplevel window, to be displayed in the titlebar. ...

Sets the background color of the window. ...

Sets the background color of the window. ...

The pattern to use for the background or nil to use the parent's background. ...

The x and y coordinates returned are relative to the parent window of window, which for toplevels usually means relative to the window decorations (titlebar, etc.) rather than relative to the root window (screen-size background window). ...

Sets the geometry hints for the window. ...

Returns the width of the given window. ...

Returns the height of the given window. ...

Sets a list of icons for the window. ...

Whether or not the window has the modal hint set. ...

The type hint set for the window. ...

Newer GTK windows using client-side decorations use extra geometry around their frames for effects like shadows and invisible borders. ...

Toggles whether a window should appear in a task list or window list. ...

Toggles whether a window should appear in a pager, workspace switcher, or other desktop utility program that displays a small thumbnail representation of the windows on the desktop. ...

Toggles whether a window needs the user's urgent attention. ...

Obtains the position of the window as reported in the most-recently-processed gdk-event-configure event. ...

Obtains the top-left corner of the window manager frame in root window coordinates. ...

Obtains the bounding box of the window, including window manager titlebar/borders if any. ...

Obtains the position of a window in root window coordinates. ...

Obtains the position of a window position in root window coordinates. ...

Obtains the current pointer position and modifier state. The position is given in coordinates relative to the upper left corner of window. ...

Obtains the current device position and modifier state. The position is given in coordinates relative to the upper left corner of window. ...

Obtains the current device position in doubles and the modifier state. ...

Obtains the parent of window, as known to GDK. ...

Gets the toplevel window that is an ancestor of the window. ...

Gets the list of children of the window known to GDK. ...

Gets the list of children of the window known to GDK with a particular user-data set on it. ...

Like the function gdk-window-children, but does not copy the list of children, so the list does not need to be freed. ...

Accessor of the event mask for the window. ...

Windows may have a name used while minimized, distinct from the name they display in their titlebar. ...

Indicates to the window manager that window is a transient dialog associated with the application window parent. ...

When using GTK, typically you should use the function gtk-window-role instead of this low-level function. ...

When using GTK, typically you should use the function gtk-window-startup-id instead of this low-level function. ...

The group leader window for window. ...

"Decorations" are the features the window manager adds to a toplevel gdk-window. ...

Sets hints about the window management functions to make available via buttons on the window frame. ...

Obtains the root window, parent all other windows are inside, for the default display and screen. ...

The function gdk-window-support-multidevice returns true if the window is aware of the existence of multiple devices. ...

The function gdk-window-device-cursor retrieves a gdk-cursor pointer for the device currently set on the specified gdk-window object, or nil. ...

The function gdk-window-device-events returns the event mask for the window corresponding to an specific device. ...

The function gdk-window-source-events returns the event mask for the window corresponding to the device class specified by source. ...

Determines whether or not extra unprocessed motion events in the event queue can be discarded. ...

Gets the offscreen surface that an offscreen window renders into. ...

The embedding gdk-window object, or nil if window is not an embedded offscreen window. ...

This function informs GDK that the geometry of an embedded offscreen window has changed. ...

Transforms window coordinates from a parent window to a child window, where the parent window is the normal parent as returned by the function gdk-window-parent for normal windows, and the window's embedder as returned by the function gdk-offscreen-window-embedder for offscreen windows. ...

Transforms window coordinates from a child window to its parent window, where the parent window is the normal parent as returned by the function gdk-window-parent for normal windows, and the window's embedder as returned by the function gdk-offscreen-window-embedder for offscreen windows. ...

Obtains the parent of window, as known to GDK. ...

Gets the toplevel window that is an ancestor of window. ...

Frame Clock

A gdk-frame-clock object tells the application when to update and repaint a window.

The gdk-frame-clock-phase enumeration is used to represent the different paint clock phases that can be requested. ...

A gdk-frame-clock object tells the application when to update and repaint a window. ...

Gets the time that should currently be used for animations. ...

Asks the frame clock to run a particular phase. ...

Starts updates for an animation. ...

Stops updates for an animation. ...

A frame clock maintains a 64-bit counter that increments for each frame drawn. ...

The frame clock internally keeps a history of gdk-frame-timings objects for recent frames that can be retrieved with the function gdk-frame-clock-timings. ...

Retrieves a gdk-frame-timings structure holding timing information for the current frame or a recent frame. ...

Gets the frame timings for the current frame. ...

Using the frame history stored in the frame clock, finds the last known presentation time and refresh interval, and assuming that presentation times are separated by the refresh interval, predicts a presentation time that is a multiple of the refresh interval after the last presentation time, and later than base-time. ...

Frame timings

Object holding timing information for a single frame.

A gdk-frame-timings structure holds timing information for a single frame of the application’s displays. ...

Gets the frame counter value of the frame clock when this frame was drawn. ...

The timing information in a gdk-frame-timings structure is filled in incrementally as the frame as drawn and passed off to the window system for processing and display to the user. ...

Returns the frame time for the frame. ...

Returns the presentation time. ...

Gets the natural interval between presentation times for the display that this frame was displayed on. ...

Gets the predicted time at which this frame will be displayed. ...


Drawing context for GDK windows.

gdk-drawing-context is an object that represents the current drawing state of a gdk-window object. ...

Accessor of the clip slot of the gdk-drawing-context class. ...

Accessor of the window slot of the gdk-drawing-context class. ...

Retrieves a Cairo context to be used to draw on the window that created the drawing context. ...

Checks whether the given drawing context is valid. ...

OpenGL context

The gdk-gl-context object is representing the platform-specific OpenGL drawing context.

The gdk-gl-context is representing the platform-specific OpenGL drawing context. ...

Accessor of the display slot of the gdk-gl-context class. ...

Accessor of the shared-context slot of the gdk-gl-context class. ...

Accessor of the window slot of the gdk-gl-context class. ...


Functions for handling events from the window system.

In GTK applications the events are handled automatically in the gtk-main-do-event function and passed on to the appropriate widgets, so these functions are rarely needed. Though some of the fields in the event structures are useful.

Represents the current time, and can be used anywhere a time is expected. ...

This is the priority that the idle handler processing window updates is given in the GLib Main Loop. ...

Use this value as the return value for continuing the propagation of an event handler. ...

Use this value as the return value for stopping the propagation of an event handler. ...

Specifies the type of a gdk-event instance. ...

A set of bit-flags to indicate which events a window is to receive. ...

The gdk-touchpad-gesture-phase enumeration specifies the current state of a touchpad gesture. ...

See the gdk-event-event-sequence function. ...

Checks if any events are ready to be processed for any display. ...

If there is an event waiting in the event queue of some open display, returns a copy of it. ...

Checks all open displays for an event to be processed, fetching events from the windowing system if necessary. ...

Appends a copy of the given event onto the front of the event queue for the display, or the default event queue if the event has no window. ...

Creates a new event of the given type. ...

Copies an event. ...

Extract the axis value for a particular axis use from an event. ...

Extract the button number from an event. ...

Extracts the click count from an event. ...

Extract the event window relative x/y coordinates from an event. ...

Extracts the hardware keycode from an event. ...

Extracts the keyval from an event. ...

Extract the root window relative x/y coordinates from an event. ...

Extracts the scroll direction from an event. ...

Retrieves the scroll deltas from an event. ...

Check whether a scroll event is a stop scroll event. ...

If the event contains a "state" field, returns the value. ...

Returns the current time of the event. ...

If the event is of type :touch-begin, :touch-update, :touch-end or :touch-cancel, returns the gdk-event-sequence to which the event belongs. ...

Request more motion notifies if the event is a motion notify hint event. ...

If both events contain X/Y information, this function will return the relative angle from event-1 to event-2. ...

If both events contain X/Y information, the center of both coordinates will be returned in x and y. ...

If both events have X/Y information, the distance between both coordinates, will be returned, as in a straight line going from event-1 to event-2. ...

This function returns whether a gdk-event-button should trigger a context menu, according to platform conventions. ...

Returns the seat this event was generated for. ...

Gets the keyboard low-level scancode of a key event. ...

Returns whether this event is an 'emulated' pointer event (typically from a touch event), as opposed to a real one. ...

Sets the function to call to handle all events from GDK. ...

Whether event debugging output is enabled. ...

Accessor of the screen of an event. ...

Accessor of the "device" field of an event. ...

Accessor of the slave device for the event. ...

Accessor of the device tool representing the tool that caused the event. ...

Obtains a desktop-wide setting, such as the double-click time, for the default screen. ...

Event Structures

The event structures contain data specific to each type of event in GDK.

A common mistake is to forget to set the event mask of a widget so that the required events are received. See the gtk-widget-events function.

Specifies the direction for a gdk-event-scroll event. ...

Specifies the visiblity status of a window for a gdk-event-visibility event. ...

Specifies the crossing mode for a gdk-event-crossing event. ...

Specifies the kind of crossing for a gdk-event-crossing event. ...

Specifies the type of a property change for a gdk-event-property event. ...

Specifies the state of a toplevel window. ...

Specifies the kind of modification applied to a setting in a gdk-event-setting event. ...

Specifies why a selection ownership was changed. ...

Specifies the type of a gdk-event instance. ...

A set of bit-flags to indicate the state of modifier keys and mouse buttons in various event types. ...

A set of bit-flags to indicate which events a window is to receive. ...

The gdk-event structure contains a union of all of the event structures, and allows access to the data fields in a number of ways. ...

Accessor of the type slot of the gdk-event structure. ...

Accessor of the window slot of the gdk-event structure. ...

Accessor of the send-event slot of the gdk-event structure. ...

Describes a key press or key release event. ...

Accessor of the time slot of the gdk-event-key structure. ...

Accessor of the state slot of the gdk-event-key structure. ...

Accessor of the keyval slot of the gdk-event-key structure. ...

Accessor of the length slot of the gdk-event-key structure. ...

Accessor of the string slot of the gdk-event-key structure. ...

Accessor of the keycode slot of the gdk-event-key structure. ...

Accessor of the group slot of the gdk-event-key structure. ...

Accessor of the is-modifier slot of the gdk-event-key structure. ...

Used for button press and button release events. ...

Accessor of the time slot of the gdk-event-button structure. ...

Accessor of the x slot of the gdk-event-button structure. ...

Accessor of the y slot of the gdk-event-button structure. ...

Accessor of the axes slot of the gdk-event-button structure. ...

Accessor of the state slot of the gdk-event-button structure. ...

Accessor of the button slot of the gdk-event-button structure. ...

Accessor of the device slot of the gdk-event-button structure. ...

Accessor of the x-root slot of the gdk-event-button structure. ...

Accessor of the y-root slot of the gdk-event-button structure. ...

Used for touch events. ...

Accessor of the time slot of the gdk-event-touch structure. ...

Accessor of the x slot of the gdk-event-touch structure. ...

Accessor of the y slot of the gdk-event-touch structure. ...

Accessor of the axes slot of the gdk-event-touch structure. ...

Accessor of the state slot of the gdk-event-touch structure. ...

Accessor of the sequence slot of the gdk-event-touch structure. ...

Accessor of the emulating-pointer slot of the gdk-event-touch structure. ...

Accessor of the device slot of the gdk-event-touch structure. ...

Accessor of the x-root slot of the gdk-event-touch structure. ...

Accessor of the y-root slot of the gdk-event-touch structure. ...

Generated from button presses for the buttons 4 to 7. ...

Accessor of the time slot of the gdk-event-scroll structure. ...

Accessor of the x slot of the gdk-event-scroll structure. ...

Accessor of the y slot of the gdk-event-scroll structure. ...

Accessor of the state slot of the gdk-event-scroll structure. ...

Accessor of the direction slot of the gdk-event-scroll structure. ...

Accessor of the device of the gdk-event-scroll structure. ...

Accessor of the x-root slot of the gdk-event-scroll structure. ...

Accessor of the y-root slot of the gdk-event-scroll structure. ...

Accessor of the delta-x of the gdk-event-scroll structure. ...

Accessor of the delta-y slot of the gdk-event-scroll structure. ...

Generated when the pointer moves. ...

Accessor of the time slot of the gdk-event-motion structure. ...

Accessor of the x slot of the gdk-event-motion structure. ...

Accessor of the y slot of the gdk-event-motion structure. ...

Accessor of the axes slot of the gdk-event-motion structure. ...

Accessor of the state slot of the gdk-event-motion structure. ...

Accessor of the is-hint slot of the gdk-event-motion structure. ...

Accessor of the device slot of the gdk-event-motion structure. ...

Accessor of the x-root slot of the gdk-event-motion structure. ...

Accessor of the y-root slot of the gdk-event-motion structure. ...

Generated when all or part of a window becomes visible and needs to be redrawn. ...

Accessor of the area slot of the gdk-event-expose structure. ...

Accessor of the region slot of the gdk-event-expose structure. ...

Accessor of the count of the gdk-event-expose structure. ...

Generated when the window visibility status has changed. ...

Accessor of the state slot of the gdk-event-visibility structure. ...

Generated when the pointer enters or leaves a window. ...

Accessor of the subwindow slot of the gdk-event-crossing structure ...

Accessor of the time slot of the gdk-event-crossing structure. ...

Accessor of the x slot of the gdk-event-crossing structure. ...

Accessor of the y slot of the gdk-event-crossing structure. ...

Accessor of the x-root of the gdk-event-crossing structure. ...

Accessor of the y-root slot of the gdk-event-crossing structure. ...

Accessor of the mode slot of the gdk-event-crossing structure. ...

Accessor of the detail slot of the gdk-event-crossing structure. ...

Accessor of the focus slot of the gdk-event-crossing structure. ...

Accessor of the state slot of the gdk-event-crossing structure. ...

Describes a change of keyboard focus. ...

Accessor of the in slot of the gdk-event-focus structure. ...

Generated when a window size or position has changed. ...

Accessor of the x slot of the gdk-event-configure structure. ...

Accessor of the y slot of the gdk-event-configure structure. ...

Accessor of the width of the gdk-event-configure structure. ...

Accessor of the height of the gdk-event-configure structure. ...

Describes a property change on a window. ...

Accessor of the atom slot of the gdk-event-property structure. ...

Accessor of the time slot of the gdk-event-property structure. ...

Accessor of the state slot of the gdk-event-property structure. ...

Generated when a selection is requested or ownership of a selection is taken over by another client application. ...

Accessor of the selection slot of the gdk-event-selection structure. ...

Accessor of the target slot of the gdk-event-selection structure. ...

Accessor of the property slot of the gdk-event-selection structure. ...

Accessor of the time slot of the gdk-event-selection structure. ...

Accessor of the requestor slot of the gdk-event-selection structure. ...

Generated during DND operations. ...

Accessor of the context slot of the gdk-event-dnd structure. ...

Accessor of the time slot of the gdk-event-dnd structure. ...

Accessor of the x-root slot of the gdk-event-dnd structure. ...

Accessor of the y-root slot of the gdk-event-dnd structure. ...

Proximity events are generated when using the wrapper for the XInput extension for GDK. ...

Accessor of the time slot of the gdk-event-proximity structure. ...

Accessor of the device slot of the gdk-event-proximity structure. ...

Generated when the state of a toplevel window changes. ...

Accessor of the changed-mask slot of the gdk-event-window-state structure. ...

Accessor of the new-window-state slot of the gdk-event-window-state structure. ...

Generated when a setting is modified. ...

Accessor of the action slot of the gdk-event-setting structure. ...

Accessor of the name slot of the gdk-event-setting structure. ...

Generated when the owner of a selection changes. ...

Accessor of the owner slot of the gdk-event-owner-change structure. ...

Accessor of the reason slot of the gdk-event-owner-change structure. ...

Accessor of the selection slot of the gdk-event-owner-change structure. ...

Accessor of the time slot of the gdk-event-owner-change structure. ...

Accessor of the selection-time slot of the gdk-event-owner-change structure. ...

Generated when a pointer or keyboard grab is broken. ...

Accessor of the keyboard slot of the gdk-event-grab-broken structure. ...

Accessor of the implicit slot of the gdk-event-grab-broken structure. ...

Accessor of the grab-window slot of the gdk-event-grab-broken structure. ...

Generated during touchpad swipe gestures. ...

Accessor of the phase slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-swipe structure. ...

Accessor of the n-fingers slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-swipe structure. ...

Accessor of the time slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-swipe structure. ...

Accessor of the x slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-swipe structure. ...

Accessor of the y slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-swipe structure. ...

Accessor of the dx slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-swipe structure. ...

Accessor of the dy slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-swipe structure. ...

Accessor of the x-root slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-swipe structure. ...

Accessor of the y-root slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-swipe structure. ...

Accessor of the state slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-swipe structure. ...

Generated during touchpad swipe gestures. ...

Accessor of the phase slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-pinch structure. ...

Accessor of the n-fingers slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-pinch structure. ...

Accessor of the time slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-pinch structure. ...

Accessor of the x slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-pinch structure. ...

Accessor of the y slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-pinch structure. ...

Accessor of the dx slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-pinch structure. ...

Accessor of the dy slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-pinch structure. ...

Accessor of the angle-delta slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-pinch structure. ...

Accessor of the scale slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-pinch structure. ...

Accessor of the x-root slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-pinch structure. ...

Accessor of the y-root slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-pinch structure. ...

Accessor of the state slot of the gdk-event-touchpad-pinch structure. ...

Generated during :tablet-pad button presses and releases. ...

Accessor of the time slot of the gdk-event-pad-button structure. ...

Accessor of the group slot of the gdk-event-pad-button structure. ...

Accessor of the button slot of the gdk-event-pad-button structure. ...

Accessor of the mode slot of the gdk-event-pad-button structure. ...

Generated during :tablet-pad interaction with tactile sensors. ...

Accessor of the time of the gdk-event-pad-axis structure. ...

Accessor of the group slot of the gdk-event-pad-axis structure. ...

Accessor of the index slot of the gdk-event-pad-axis structure. ...

Accessor of the mode slot of the gdk-event-pad-axis structure. ...

Accessor of the value slot of the gdk-event-pad-axis structure. ...

Generated during :tablet-pad mode switches in a group. ...

Accessor of the time slot of the gdk-event-pad-group-mode structure. ...

Accessor of the group slot of the gdk-event-pad-group-mode structure. ...

Accessor of the mode slot of the gdk-event-pad-group-mode structure. ...

Key Values

Functions for manipulating keyboard codes.

A gdk-keymap object defines the translation from keyboard state, including a hardware key, a modifier mask, and active keyboard group, to a keyval. ...

Returns the keymap attached to the default display. ...

Returns the keymap attached to the display. ...

Looks up the keyval mapped to a keycode/group/level triplet. ...

Translates the contents of the keycode, state, and group arguments into a keyval, effective group, and level. ...

Obtains a list of keycode/group/level combinations that will generate keyval. ...

Returns the keyvals bound to keycode. ...

Returns the Pango direction of the effective layout of the keymap. ...

Determines if keyboard layouts for both right-to-left and left-to-right languages are in use. ...

Returns whether the Caps Lock modifer is locked. ...

Returns whether the Num Lock modifer is locked. ...

Returns whether the Scroll Lock modifer is locked. ...

Returns the current modifier state. ...

Adds virtual modifiers (i.e. Super, Hyper and Meta) which correspond to the real modifiers (i.e. Mod2, Mod3, ...) in modifiers and set the corresponding bits in state. ...

Maps the virtual modifiers (i.e. Super, Hyper and Meta) which are set in state to their non-virtual counterparts (i.e. Mod2, Mod3,...) and set the corresponding bits in state. ...

Returns the modifier mask the windowing system backend of the keymap uses for a particular purpose. ...

Converts a key value into a symbolic name. ...

Converts a key name to a key value. ...

Obtains the upper-case and lower-case versions of the keyval symbol. ...

Converts a key value to upper case, if applicable. ...

Converts a key value to lower case, if applicable. ...

Returns true if the given key value is in upper case. ...

Returns true if the given key value is in lower case. ...

Convert from a GDK key symbol to the corresponding ISO10646 (Unicode) character. ...

Convert from a ISO10646 character to a key symbol. ...


Functions for transfering data via the X selection mechanism.

The X selection mechanism provides a way to transfer arbitrary chunks of data between programs. A selection is essentially a named clipboard, identified by a string interned as an atom of type gdk-atom. By claiming ownership of a selection, an application indicates that it will be responsible for supplying its contents. The most common selections are "PRIMARY" and "CLIPBOARD".

The contents of a selection can be represented in a number of formats, called targets. Each target is identified by an atom. A list of all possible targets supported by the selection owner can be retrieved by requesting the special target "TARGETS". When a selection is retrieved, the data is accompanied by a type (an atom), and a format (an integer), representing the number of bits per item.

The functions in this section only contain the lowlevel parts of the selection protocol. A considerably more complicated implementation is needed on top of this. GTK contains such an implementation and programmers should use those functions instead of the ones presented here. If you plan to implement selection handling directly on top of the functions here, you should refer to the X Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual (ICCCM).

The C library has the following constants to refer to selections, targets, and selection types. In the Lisp library the corresponding strings are used. These strings are automatically converted to the corresponding gdk-atom type.
Sets the owner of the given selection. ...

Sets the owner of the given selection. ...

Determines the owner of the given selection. ...

Determine the owner of the given selection. ...

Retrieves the contents of a selection in a given form. ...

Retrieves selection data that was stored in response to a call to the gdk-selection-convert function. ...

Sends a response to the :selection-request event. ...

Send a response to the :selection-request event. ...

Drag and Drop

Functions for controlling drag and drop handling.

Used in the gdk-drag-context object to indicate the reason of a cancelled DND operation. ...

Used in the gdk-drag-context object to indicate the protocol according to which DND is done. ...

Used in the gdk-drag-context object to indicate what the destination should do with the dropped data. ...

The gdk-drag-context class and the correspondig functions provide a low level interface for drag and drop. ...

Returns the selection atom for the current source window. ...

Aborts a drag without dropping. ...

Accepts or rejects a drop. ...

Drops on the current destination. ...

Inform GDK if the drop ended successfully. ...

Finds the destination window and DND protocol to use at the given pointer position. ...

Starts a drag and creates a new drag context for it. ...

Starts a drag and creates a new drag context for it. ...

Starts a drag and creates a new drag context for it. ...

Updates the drag context when the pointer moves or the set of actions changes. ...

Ends the drag operation after a drop. ...

Selects one of the actions offered by the drag source. ...

Returns whether the dropped data has been successfully transferred. ...

Finds out the DND protocol supported by a window. ...

Determines the bitmask of actions proposed by the source if the gdk-drag-context-suggested-action function returns the :ask value. ...

Determines the suggested drag action of the drag context. ...

Determines the action chosen by the drag destination. ...

Retrieves the list of targets of the drag context. ...

Associates a device to the drag context, so all drag and drop events for the drag context are emitted as if they came from this device. ...

Returns the window where the DND operation started. ...

Returns the destination windw for the DND operation. ...

Returns the drag protocol that is used by this drag context. ...

Returns the window on which the drag icon should be rendered during the drag operation. ...

Sets the position of the drag window that will be kept under the cursor hotspot. ...

Requests the drag and drop operation to be managed by context. ...

Properties and Atoms

An atom is a numeric index into a string table on the X server. They are used to transfer strings efficiently between clients without having to transfer the entire string.

An opaque type representing a string as an index into a table of strings on the X server. ...

Finds or creates an atom corresponding to a given string. ...

Determines the string corresponding to the given atom. ...


Functions for using GDK in multi-threaded programs.

For thread safety, GDK relies on the thread primitives in GLib, and on the thread-safe GLib main loop.

GLib is completely thread safe (all global data is automatically locked), but individual data structure instances are not automatically locked for performance reasons. So e.g. you must coordinate accesses to the same GHashTable from multiple threads.

GTK, however, is not thread safe. You should only use GTK and GDK from the thread gtk_init() and gtk_main() were called on. This is usually referred to as the "main thread".

Signals on GTK and GDK types, as well as non-signal callbacks, are emitted in the main thread.

You can schedule work in the main thread safely from other threads by using the gdk-threads-add-idle and gdk-threads-add-timeout functions.
static void
worker_thread (void)
  ExpensiveData *expensive_data = do_expensive_computation ();

gdk_threads_add_idle (got_value, expensive_data); }

static gboolean got_value (gpointer user_data) { ExpensiveData *expensive_data = user_data;

my_app->expensive_data = expensive_data; gtk_button_set_sensitive (my_app->button, TRUE); gtk_button_set_label (my_app->button, expensive_data->result_label);

You should use the gdk-threads-add-idle and gdk-threads-add-timeout functions instead of the g-idle-add and g-timeout-add functions since libraries not under your control might be using the deprecated GDK locking mechanism. If you are sure that none of the code in your application and libraries use the deprecated gdk_threads_enter() or gdk_threads_leave() methods, then you can safely use the g-idle-add and g-timeout-add functions.

For more information on this "worker thread" pattern, you should also look at GTask, which gives you high-level tools to perform expensive tasks from worker threads, and will handle thread management for you.

Adds a function to be called whenever there are no higher priority events pending. ...

Sets a function to be called at regular intervals holding the GDK lock, with the given priority. ...

A variant of the gdk-threads-add-timeout function with second granularity. ...

Pango Interaction

Pango is the text layout system used by GDK and GTK. The functions and types in this section are used to obtain clip regions for pango-layout objects, and to get pango-context objects that can be used with GDK.

Creating a pango-layout object is the first step in rendering text, and requires getting a handle to a pango-context. For GTK programs, you will usually want to use the gtk-widget-pango-context, or gtk-widget-create-pango-layout functions, rather than using the lowlevel gdk-pango-context-for-screen function. Once you have a pango-layout object, you can set the text and attributes of it with Pango functions like the pango-layout-text function and get its size with the pango-layout-size function. Note that Pango uses a fixed point system internally, so converting between Pango units and pixels using the +pango-scale+ constant or the pango-pixels function.

Rendering a Pango layout is done most simply with the pango-cairo-show-layout function. You can also draw pieces of the layout with the pango-cairo-show-layout-line function.

Example: Draw transformed text with Pango and Cairo

(defun demo-pango ()
    (let ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window
                                 :type :toplevel
                                 :title "Demo Using Pango with Cairo"
                                 :border-width 12
                                 :default-width 400
                                 :default-height 400))
          (circle 100)
          (n-words 12)
          (font "Sans Bold 16"))
      (g-signal-connect window "destroy"
                        (lambda (widget)
                          (declare (ignore widget))
      ;; Signals used to handle the backing surface
      (g-signal-connect window "draw"
         (lambda (widget cr)
           (let* ((cr (pointer cr))
                  ;; Get the GdkWindow for the widget
                  (window (gtk-widget-window widget))
                  (width (gdk-window-width window))
                  (height (gdk-window-height window))
                  (radius (- (/ (min width height) 2) 20)))
             ;; Set up a transformation matrix so that the user space
             ;; coordinates for where we are drawing are [-RADIUS, RADIUS],
             ;; [-RADIUS, RADIUS] We first center, then change the scale
             (cairo-translate cr
                              (+ radius (/ (- width (* 2 radius)) 2))
                              (+ radius (/ (- height (* 2 radius)) 2)))
             (cairo-scale cr (/ radius circle) (/ radius circle))

;; Clear surface (cairo-set-source-rgb cr 1 1 1) (cairo-paint cr)

;; Create a PangoLayout, set the font and text (let* ((screen (gdk-window-screen window)) (context (gdk-pango-context-for-screen screen)) (layout (pango-layout-new context)) (desc (pango-font-description-from-string font))) (setf (pango-layout-text layout) "Text") (setf (pango-layout-font-description layout) desc)

;; Draw the layout n-words times in a circle (do* ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (angle 0 (/ (* 360 i) n-words)) ;; Gradient from red to blue (red (/ (+ 1 (cos (* (/ pi 180) (- angle 60)))) 2) (/ (+ 1 (cos (* (/ pi 180) (- angle 60)))) 2))) ((>= i n-words)) (cairo-save cr) (cairo-set-source-rgb cr red 0 (- 1 red)) (cairo-rotate cr (/ (* angle pi) 180))

;; Inform Pango to re-layout the text with the new ;; transformation matrix (pango-cairo-update-layout cr layout)

(multiple-value-bind (width height) (pango-layout-size layout) (declare (ignore height)) (cairo-move-to cr (- (/ width 2 +pango-scale+)) (- circle))) (pango-cairo-show-layout cr layout) (cairo-restore cr))) (cairo-destroy cr) t))) (gtk-widget-show-all window))))
Obtains a clip region which contains the areas where the given ranges of text would be drawn. ...

Obtains a clip region which contains the areas where the given ranges of text would be drawn. ...

Creates a pango-context instance for the default GDK screen. ...

Creates a Pango context for the screen. ...

Creates a Pango context for the display. ...

Cairo Interaction

Functions to support using Cairo.

Cairo is a graphics library that supports vector graphics and image compositing that can be used with GDK. GTK does all of its drawing using Cairo.

GDK does not wrap the Cairo API, instead it allows to create Cairo contexts which can be used to draw on gdk-window objects. Additional functions allow use gdk-rectangle instances with Cairo and to use gdk-color, gdk-rgba, gdk-pixbuf and gdk-window objects as sources for drawing operations.

Creates a new surface that is as compatible as possible with the given window. ...

Create a new image surface that is efficient to draw on the given window. ...

Creates a Cairo context for drawing to window. ...

This is a convenience function around the cairo-clip-extents function. ...

Retrieves the drawing context that created the Cairo context cr. ...

Sets the specified color as the source color of the Cairo context. ...

Sets the specified rgba color as the source color of the Cairo context. ...

Sets the given pixbuf as the source pattern for cr. ...

Sets the given window as the source pattern for cr. ...

Adds the given rectangle to the current path of cr. ...

Adds the given region to the current path of cr. ...

Creates region that describes covers the area where the given surface is more than 50% opaque. ...

Creates an image surface with the same contents as the pixbuf. ...

This is the main way to draw GL content in GTK. ...

X Window System Interaction

X backend-specific functions

Application launching

Startup notification for applications.

The gdk-app-launch-context object is an implementation of the g-app-launch-context object that handles launching an application in a graphical context. ...

Accessor of the display slot of the gdk-app-launch-context class. ...

Creates a new gdk-app-launch-context object. ...

Sets the screen on which applications will be launched when using this context. ...

Sets the workspace on which applications will be launched when using this context when running under a window manager that supports multiple workspaces, as described in the Extended Window Manager Hints. ...

Sets the timestamp of context. ...

Sets the icon for applications that are launched with this context. ...

Sets the icon for applications that are launched with this context. ...



A gdk-color structure represents a color.

When working with Cairo, it is often more convenient to use a gdk-rgba color instead. The gdk-color structure has been deprecated in favor of the gdk-rgba structure.

The gdk-color structure is used to describe a color, similar to the XColor structure used in the X11 drawing API. ...

Accessor of the red slot of the gdk-color color. ...

Accessor of the green slot of the gdk-color color. ...

Accessor of the blue slot of the gdk-color color. ...

Accessor of the pixel slot of the gdk-color color. ...

Creates a new gdk-color color. ...

Makes a copy of a color. ...

Parses a textual specification of a color and fill in the red, green, and blue fields of a gdk-color color. ...

Compares two colors. ...

A hash function suitable for using for a hash table that stores gdk-color colors. ...

Returns a textual specification of color in the hexadecimal form #rrrrggggbbbb, where r, g and b are hex digits representing the red, green and blue components respectively. ...


Functions for handling input devices.

In addition to a single pointer and keyboard for user interface input, GDK contains support for a variety of input devices, including graphics tablets, touchscreens and multiple pointers/keyboards interacting simultaneously with the user interface. Such input devices often have additional features, such as sub-pixel positioning information and additional device-dependent information. ...

Accessor of the display slot of the gdk-device-manager class. ...

Disables multidevice support in GDK. ...

Returns the list of devices currently attached to the device manager. ...

Returns the client pointer, that is, the master pointer that acts as the core pointer for this application. ...

Exported Symbol Index

+gdk-current-time+, Constant
+gdk-event-propagate+, Constant
+gdk-event-stop+, Constant
+gdk-priority-redraw+, Variable
gdk-anchor-hints, GFlags
gdk-app-launch-context, Class
gdk-app-launch-context-display, Accessor
gdk-app-launch-context-new, Function
gdk-app-launch-context-set-desktop, Function
gdk-app-launch-context-set-icon, Function
gdk-app-launch-context-set-icon-name, Function
gdk-app-launch-context-set-screen, Function
gdk-app-launch-context-set-timestamp, Function
gdk-atom, Type
gdk-atom-intern, Function
gdk-atom-name, Function
gdk-axis-flags, GFlags
gdk-axis-use, GEnum
gdk-byte-order, GEnum
gdk-cairo-clip-rectangle, Function
gdk-cairo-create, Function
gdk-cairo-draw-from-gl, Function
gdk-cairo-drawing-context, Function
gdk-cairo-rectangle, Function
gdk-cairo-region, Function
gdk-cairo-region-create-from-surface, Function
gdk-cairo-set-source-color, Function
gdk-cairo-set-source-pixbuf, Function
gdk-cairo-set-source-rgba, Function
gdk-cairo-set-source-window, Function
gdk-cairo-surface-create-from-pixbuf, Function
gdk-color, GBoxed
gdk-color-blue, Accessor
gdk-color-copy, Function
gdk-color-equal, Function
gdk-color-green, Accessor
gdk-color-hash, Function
gdk-color-new, Function
gdk-color-parse, Function
gdk-color-pixel, Accessor
gdk-color-red, Accessor
gdk-color-to-string, Function
gdk-crossing-mode, GEnum
gdk-cursor, Class
gdk-cursor-cursor-type, Accessor
gdk-cursor-display, Accessor
gdk-cursor-image, Function
gdk-cursor-new, Function
gdk-cursor-new-for-display, Function
gdk-cursor-new-from-name, Function
gdk-cursor-new-from-pixbuf, Function
gdk-cursor-new-from-surface, Function
gdk-cursor-surface, Function
gdk-cursor-type, GEnum
gdk-default-root-window, Function
gdk-device, Class
gdk-device-associated-device, Accessor
gdk-device-axes, Accessor
gdk-device-axis, Function
gdk-device-axis-use, Function
gdk-device-axis-value, Function
gdk-device-device-manager, Accessor
gdk-device-display, Accessor
gdk-device-grab, Function
gdk-device-has-cursor, Accessor
gdk-device-history, Function
gdk-device-input-mode, Accessor
gdk-device-input-source, Accessor
gdk-device-key, Function
gdk-device-last-event-window, Function
gdk-device-list-axes, Function
gdk-device-list-slave-devices, Function
gdk-device-manager, Class
gdk-device-manager-client-pointer, Function
gdk-device-manager-display, Accessor
gdk-device-manager-list-devices, Function
gdk-device-n-axes, Accessor
gdk-device-n-keys, Function
gdk-device-name, Accessor
gdk-device-num-touches, Accessor
gdk-device-pad, Interface
gdk-device-pad-feature, Enum
gdk-device-pad-feature-group, Function
gdk-device-pad-group-n-modes, Function
gdk-device-pad-n-features, Function
gdk-device-pad-n-groups, Function
gdk-device-position, Function
gdk-device-position-double, Function
gdk-device-product-id, Accessor
gdk-device-seat, Accessor
gdk-device-state, Function
gdk-device-tool, Accessor
gdk-device-tool, Class
gdk-device-tool-axes, Accessor
gdk-device-tool-hardware-id, Accessor
gdk-device-tool-serial, Accessor
gdk-device-tool-tool-type, Accessor
gdk-device-tool-type, GEnum
gdk-device-type, Accessor
gdk-device-type, GEnum
gdk-device-ungrab, Function
gdk-device-vendor-id, Accessor
gdk-device-warp, Function
gdk-device-window-at-position, Function
gdk-device-window-at-position-double, Function
gdk-disable-multidevice, Function
gdk-display, Class
gdk-display-app-launch-context, Function
gdk-display-beep, Function
gdk-display-close, Function
gdk-display-default, Function
gdk-display-default-cursor-size, Function
gdk-display-default-group, Function
gdk-display-default-screen, Function
gdk-display-default-seat, Function
gdk-display-device-is-grabbed, Function
gdk-display-device-manager, Function
gdk-display-event, Function
gdk-display-flush, Function
gdk-display-has-pending, Function
gdk-display-is-closed, Function
gdk-display-list-seats, Function
gdk-display-manager, Class
gdk-display-manager-default-display, Accessor
gdk-display-manager-get, Function
gdk-display-manager-list-displays, Function
gdk-display-manager-open-display, Function
gdk-display-maximal-cursor-size, Function
gdk-display-monitor, Function
gdk-display-monitor-at-point, Function
gdk-display-monitor-at-window, Function
gdk-display-n-monitors, Function
gdk-display-n-screens, Function
gdk-display-name, Function
gdk-display-notify-startup-complete, Function
gdk-display-open, Function
gdk-display-peek-event, Function
gdk-display-primary-monitor, Function
gdk-display-put-event, Function
gdk-display-request-selection-notification, Function
gdk-display-screen, Function
gdk-display-set-double-click-distance, Function
gdk-display-set-double-click-time, Function
gdk-display-store-clipboard, Function
gdk-display-supports-clipboard-persistence, Function
gdk-display-supports-composite, Function
gdk-display-supports-cursor-alpha, Function
gdk-display-supports-cursor-color, Function
gdk-display-supports-input-shapes, Function
gdk-display-supports-selection-notification, Function
gdk-display-supports-shapes, Function
gdk-display-sync, Function
gdk-drag-abort, Function
gdk-drag-action, GFlags
gdk-drag-begin, Function
gdk-drag-begin-for-device, Function
gdk-drag-begin-from-point, Function
gdk-drag-cancel-reason, GEnum
gdk-drag-context, Class
gdk-drag-context-actions, Function
gdk-drag-context-dest-window, Function
gdk-drag-context-device, Function
gdk-drag-context-drag-window, Function
gdk-drag-context-list-targets, Function
gdk-drag-context-manage-dnd, Function
gdk-drag-context-protocol, Function
gdk-drag-context-selected-action, Function
gdk-drag-context-set-hotspot, Function
gdk-drag-context-source-window, Function
gdk-drag-context-suggested-action, Function
gdk-drag-drop, Function
gdk-drag-drop-done, Function
gdk-drag-drop-succeeded, Function
gdk-drag-find-window-for-screen, Function
gdk-drag-motion, Function
gdk-drag-protocol, GEnum
gdk-drag-selection, Function
gdk-drag-status, Function
gdk-drawing-context, Class
gdk-drawing-context-cairo-context, Function
gdk-drawing-context-clip, Accessor
gdk-drawing-context-is-valid, Function
gdk-drawing-context-window, Accessor
gdk-drop-finish, Function
gdk-drop-reply, Function
gdk-event, GBoxed
gdk-event-axis, Function
gdk-event-button, Function
gdk-event-button, GBoxed
gdk-event-button-axes, Accessor
gdk-event-button-button, Accessor
gdk-event-button-device, Accessor
gdk-event-button-state, Accessor
gdk-event-button-time, Accessor
gdk-event-button-x, Accessor
gdk-event-button-x-root, Accessor
gdk-event-button-y, Accessor
gdk-event-button-y-root, Accessor
gdk-event-click-count, Function
gdk-event-configure, GBoxed
gdk-event-configure-height, Accessor
gdk-event-configure-width, Accessor
gdk-event-configure-x, Accessor
gdk-event-configure-y, Accessor
gdk-event-coords, Function
gdk-event-copy, Function
gdk-event-crossing, GBoxed
gdk-event-crossing-detail, Accessor
gdk-event-crossing-focus, Accessor
gdk-event-crossing-mode, Accessor
gdk-event-crossing-state, Accessor
gdk-event-crossing-subwindow, Accessor
gdk-event-crossing-time, Accessor
gdk-event-crossing-x, Accessor
gdk-event-crossing-x-root, Accessor
gdk-event-crossing-y, Accessor
gdk-event-crossing-y-root, Accessor
gdk-event-device, Function
gdk-event-device-tool, Function
gdk-event-dnd, GBoxed
gdk-event-dnd-context, Accessor
gdk-event-dnd-time, Accessor
gdk-event-dnd-x-root, Accessor
gdk-event-dnd-y-root, Accessor
gdk-event-event-sequence, Function
gdk-event-expose, GBoxed
gdk-event-expose-area, Accessor
gdk-event-expose-count, Accessor
gdk-event-expose-region, Accessor
gdk-event-focus, GBoxed
gdk-event-focus-in, Accessor
gdk-event-get, Function
gdk-event-get-scroll-direction, Function
gdk-event-grab-broken, GBoxed
gdk-event-grab-broken-grab-window, Accessor
gdk-event-grab-broken-implicit, Accessor
gdk-event-grab-broken-keyboard, Accessor
gdk-event-handler-set, Function
gdk-event-is-scroll-stop-event, Function
gdk-event-key, GBoxed
gdk-event-key-group, Accessor
gdk-event-key-hardware-keycode, Accessor
gdk-event-key-is-modifier, Accessor
gdk-event-key-keyval, Accessor
gdk-event-key-length, Accessor
gdk-event-key-state, Accessor
gdk-event-key-string, Accessor
gdk-event-key-time, Accessor
gdk-event-keycode, Function
gdk-event-keyval, Function
gdk-event-mask, GFlags
gdk-event-motion, GBoxed
gdk-event-motion-axes, Accessor
gdk-event-motion-device, Accessor
gdk-event-motion-is-hint, Accessor
gdk-event-motion-state, Accessor
gdk-event-motion-time, Accessor
gdk-event-motion-x, Accessor
gdk-event-motion-x-root, Accessor
gdk-event-motion-y, Accessor
gdk-event-motion-y-root, Accessor
gdk-event-new, Function
gdk-event-owner-change, GBoxed
gdk-event-owner-change-owner, Accessor
gdk-event-owner-change-reason, Accessor
gdk-event-owner-change-selection, Accessor
gdk-event-owner-change-selection-time, Accessor
gdk-event-owner-change-time, Accessor
gdk-event-pad-axis, GBoxed
gdk-event-pad-axis-group, Accessor
gdk-event-pad-axis-index, Accessor
gdk-event-pad-axis-mode, Accessor
gdk-event-pad-axis-time, Accessor
gdk-event-pad-axis-value, Accessor
gdk-event-pad-button, GBoxed
gdk-event-pad-button-button, Accessor
gdk-event-pad-button-group, Accessor
gdk-event-pad-button-mode, Accessor
gdk-event-pad-button-time, Accessor
gdk-event-pad-group-mode, GBoxed
gdk-event-pad-group-mode-group, Accessor
gdk-event-pad-group-mode-mode, Accessor
gdk-event-pad-group-mode-time, Accessor
gdk-event-peek, Function
gdk-event-pointer-emulated, Function
gdk-event-property, GBoxed
gdk-event-property-atom, Accessor
gdk-event-property-state, Accessor
gdk-event-property-time, Accessor
gdk-event-proximity, GBoxed
gdk-event-proximity-device, Accessor
gdk-event-proximity-time, Accessor
gdk-event-put, Function
gdk-event-request-motions, Function
gdk-event-root-coords, Function
gdk-event-scancode, Function
gdk-event-screen, Function
gdk-event-scroll, GBoxed
gdk-event-scroll-delta-x, Accessor
gdk-event-scroll-delta-y, Accessor
gdk-event-scroll-deltas, Function
gdk-event-scroll-device, Accessor
gdk-event-scroll-direction, Accessor
gdk-event-scroll-state, Accessor
gdk-event-scroll-time, Accessor
gdk-event-scroll-x, Accessor
gdk-event-scroll-x-root, Accessor
gdk-event-scroll-y, Accessor
gdk-event-scroll-y-root, Accessor
gdk-event-seat, Function
gdk-event-selection, GBoxed
gdk-event-selection-property, Accessor
gdk-event-selection-requestor, Accessor
gdk-event-selection-selection, Accessor
gdk-event-selection-target, Accessor
gdk-event-selection-time, Accessor
gdk-event-send-event, Accessor
gdk-event-sequence, GBoxed
gdk-event-setting, GBoxed
gdk-event-setting-action, Accessor
gdk-event-setting-name, Accessor
gdk-event-source-device, Function
gdk-event-state, Function
gdk-event-time, Function
gdk-event-touch, GBoxed
gdk-event-touch-axes, Accessor
gdk-event-touch-device, Accessor
gdk-event-touch-emulating-pointer, Accessor
gdk-event-touch-sequence, Accessor
gdk-event-touch-state, Accessor
gdk-event-touch-time, Accessor
gdk-event-touch-x, Accessor
gdk-event-touch-x-root, Accessor
gdk-event-touch-y, Accessor
gdk-event-touch-y-root, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-pinch, Struct
gdk-event-touchpad-pinch-angle-delta, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-pinch-dx, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-pinch-dy, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-pinch-n-fingers, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-pinch-phase, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-pinch-scale, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-pinch-state, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-pinch-time, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-pinch-x, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-pinch-x-root, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-pinch-y, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-pinch-y-root, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-swipe, Struct
gdk-event-touchpad-swipe-dx, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-swipe-dy, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-swipe-n-fingers, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-swipe-phase, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-swipe-state, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-swipe-time, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-swipe-x, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-swipe-x-root, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-swipe-y, Accessor
gdk-event-touchpad-swipe-y-root, Accessor
gdk-event-triggers-context-menu, Function
gdk-event-type, Accessor
gdk-event-type, GEnum
gdk-event-visibility, GBoxed
gdk-event-visibility-state, Accessor
gdk-event-window, Accessor
gdk-event-window-state, GBoxed
gdk-event-window-state-changed-mask, Accessor
gdk-event-window-state-new-window-state, Accessor
gdk-events-angle, Function
gdk-events-center, Function
gdk-events-distance, Function
gdk-events-pending, Function
gdk-filter-return, Enum
gdk-frame-clock, Class
gdk-frame-clock-begin-updating, Function
gdk-frame-clock-current-timings, Function
gdk-frame-clock-end-updating, Function
gdk-frame-clock-frame-counter, Function
gdk-frame-clock-frame-time, Function
gdk-frame-clock-history-start, Function
gdk-frame-clock-phase, Enum
gdk-frame-clock-refresh-info, Function
gdk-frame-clock-request-phase, Function
gdk-frame-clock-timings, Function
gdk-frame-timings, CStruct
gdk-frame-timings-complete, Function
gdk-frame-timings-frame-counter, Function
gdk-frame-timings-frame-time, Function
gdk-frame-timings-predicted-presentation-time, Function
gdk-frame-timings-presentation-time, Function
gdk-frame-timings-refresh-interval, Function
gdk-fullscreen-mode, Enum
gdk-geometry, CStruct
gdk-get-display-arg-name, Function
gdk-gl-context, Class
gdk-gl-context-display, Accessor
gdk-gl-context-shared-context, Accessor
gdk-gl-context-window, Accessor
gdk-grab-ownership, GEnum
gdk-grab-status, GEnum
gdk-gravity, Enum
gdk-input-mode, GEnum
gdk-input-source, GEnum
gdk-keymap, Class
gdk-keymap-add-virtual-modifiers, Function
gdk-keymap-caps-lock-state, Function
gdk-keymap-default, Function
gdk-keymap-direction, Function
gdk-keymap-entries-for-keycode, Function
gdk-keymap-entries-for-keyval, Function
gdk-keymap-for-display, Function
gdk-keymap-have-bidi-layouts, Function
gdk-keymap-lookup-key, Function
gdk-keymap-map-virtual-modifiers, Function
gdk-keymap-modifier-mask, Function
gdk-keymap-modifier-state, Function
gdk-keymap-num-lock-state, Function
gdk-keymap-scroll-lock-state, Function
gdk-keymap-translate-keyboard-state, Function
gdk-keyval-convert-case, Function
gdk-keyval-from-name, Function
gdk-keyval-is-lower, Function
gdk-keyval-is-upper, Function
gdk-keyval-name, Function
gdk-keyval-to-lower, Function
gdk-keyval-to-unicode, Function
gdk-keyval-to-upper, Function
gdk-list-visuals, Function
gdk-modifier-intent, Enum
gdk-modifier-type, GFlags
gdk-monitor, Class
gdk-monitor-display, Accessor
gdk-monitor-geometry, Accessor
gdk-monitor-height-mm, Accessor
gdk-monitor-is-primary, Function
gdk-monitor-manufacturer, Accessor
gdk-monitor-model, Accessor
gdk-monitor-refresh-rate, Accessor
gdk-monitor-scale-factor, Accessor
gdk-monitor-subpixel-layout, Accessor
gdk-monitor-width-mm, Accessor
gdk-monitor-workarea, Accessor
gdk-notify-startup-complete, Function
gdk-notify-startup-complete-with-id, Function
gdk-notify-type, GEnum
gdk-offscreen-window-embedder, Function
gdk-offscreen-window-surface, Function
gdk-owner-change, GEnum
gdk-pango-context-for-display, Function
gdk-pango-context-for-screen, Function
gdk-pango-context-get, Function
gdk-pango-layout-clip-region, Function
gdk-pango-layout-line-clip-region, Function
gdk-pixbuf-from-surface, Function
gdk-pixbuf-from-window, Function
gdk-program-class, Function
gdk-property-state, GEnum
gdk-query-depths, Function
gdk-query-visual-types, Function
gdk-rectangle, GBoxed
gdk-rectangle-copy, Function
gdk-rectangle-equal, Function
gdk-rectangle-height, Accessor
gdk-rectangle-intersect, Function
gdk-rectangle-new, Function
gdk-rectangle-union, Function
gdk-rectangle-width, Accessor
gdk-rectangle-x, Accessor
gdk-rectangle-y, Accessor
gdk-rgba, Boxed CStruct
gdk-rgba-alpha, Accessor
gdk-rgba-blue, Accessor
gdk-rgba-copy, Function
gdk-rgba-equal, Function
gdk-rgba-green, Accessor
gdk-rgba-hash, Function
gdk-rgba-new, Function
gdk-rgba-parse, Function
gdk-rgba-red, Accessor
gdk-rgba-to-string, Function
gdk-screen, Class
gdk-screen-active-window, Function
gdk-screen-default, Function
gdk-screen-display, Function
gdk-screen-font-options, Accessor
gdk-screen-height, Function
gdk-screen-height-mm, Function
gdk-screen-is-composited, Function
gdk-screen-list-visuals, Function
gdk-screen-make-display-name, Function
gdk-screen-monitor-at-point, Function
gdk-screen-monitor-at-window, Function
gdk-screen-monitor-geometry, Function
gdk-screen-monitor-height-mm, Function
gdk-screen-monitor-plug-name, Function
gdk-screen-monitor-scale-factor, Function
gdk-screen-monitor-width-mm, Function
gdk-screen-monitor-workarea, Function
gdk-screen-n-monitors, Function
gdk-screen-number, Function
gdk-screen-primary-monitor, Function
gdk-screen-resolution, Accessor
gdk-screen-rgba-visual, Function
gdk-screen-root-window, Function
gdk-screen-setting, Function
gdk-screen-system-visual, Function
gdk-screen-toplevel-windows, Function
gdk-screen-width, Function
gdk-screen-width-mm, Function
gdk-screen-window-stack, Function
gdk-scroll-direction, GEnum
gdk-seat, Class
gdk-seat-capabilities, Function
gdk-seat-capabilities, Flags
gdk-seat-display, Accessor
gdk-seat-grab, Function
gdk-seat-keyboard, Function
gdk-seat-pointer, Function
gdk-seat-slaves, Function
gdk-seat-ungrab, Function
gdk-selection-convert, Function
gdk-selection-owner-get, Function
gdk-selection-owner-get-for-display, Function
gdk-selection-owner-set, Function
gdk-selection-owner-set-for-display, Function
gdk-selection-property-get, Function
gdk-selection-send-notify, Function
gdk-selection-send-notify-for-display, Function
gdk-set-allowed-backends, Function
gdk-setting-action, GEnum
gdk-setting-get, Function
gdk-show-events, Function
gdk-subpixel-layout, Enum
gdk-threads-add-idle, Function
gdk-threads-add-timeout, Function
gdk-threads-add-timeout-seconds, Function
gdk-time-coord, CStruct
gdk-touchpad-gesture-phase, GEnum
gdk-unicode-to-keyval, Function
gdk-visibility-state, GEnum
gdk-visual, Class
gdk-visual-best, Function
gdk-visual-best-depth, Function
gdk-visual-best-type, Function
gdk-visual-best-with-both, Function
gdk-visual-best-with-depth, Function
gdk-visual-best-with-type, Function
gdk-visual-bits-per-rgb, Function
gdk-visual-blue-pixel-details, Function
gdk-visual-byte-order, Function
gdk-visual-colormap-size, Function
gdk-visual-depth, Function
gdk-visual-green-pixel-details, Function
gdk-visual-red-pixel-details, Function
gdk-visual-screen, Function
gdk-visual-system, Function
gdk-visual-type, GEnum
gdk-visual-visual-type, Function
gdk-window, Class
gdk-window-accept-focus, Function
gdk-window-at-pointer, Function
gdk-window-attr, CStruct
gdk-window-attributes-type, Flags
gdk-window-background-pattern, Function
gdk-window-beep, Function
gdk-window-begin-draw-frame, Function
gdk-window-begin-move-drag, Function
gdk-window-begin-move-drag-for-device, Function
gdk-window-begin-paint-rect, Function
gdk-window-begin-paint-region, Function
gdk-window-begin-resize-drag, Function
gdk-window-begin-resize-drag-for-device, Function
gdk-window-children, Function
gdk-window-children-with-user-data, Function
gdk-window-clip-region, Function
gdk-window-composited, Function
gdk-window-configure-finished, Function
gdk-window-constrain-size, Function
gdk-window-coords-from-parent, Function
gdk-window-coords-to-parent, Function
gdk-window-create-similar-image-surface, Function
gdk-window-create-similar-surface, Function
gdk-window-cursor, Accessor
gdk-window-decorations, Function
gdk-window-deiconify, Function
gdk-window-destroy, Function
gdk-window-device-cursor, Function
gdk-window-device-events, Function
gdk-window-device-position, Function
gdk-window-device-position-double, Function
gdk-window-display, Function
gdk-window-drag-protocol, Function
gdk-window-edge, Enum
gdk-window-effective-parent, Function
gdk-window-effective-toplevel, Function
gdk-window-enable-synchronized-configure, Function
gdk-window-end-draw-frame, Function
gdk-window-end-paint, Function
gdk-window-ensure-native, Function
gdk-window-event-compression, Function
gdk-window-events, Function
gdk-window-flush, Function
gdk-window-focus, Function
gdk-window-focus-on-map, Function
gdk-window-frame-clock, Function
gdk-window-frame-extents, Function
gdk-window-freeze-updates, Function
gdk-window-fullscreen, Function
gdk-window-fullscreen-mode, Function
gdk-window-fullscreen-on-monitor, Function
gdk-window-geometry, Function
gdk-window-geometry-changed, Function
gdk-window-group, Function
gdk-window-has-native, Function
gdk-window-height, Function
gdk-window-hide, Function
gdk-window-hints, Flags
gdk-window-iconify, Function
gdk-window-input-shape-combine-region, Function
gdk-window-invalidate-maybe-recurse, Function
gdk-window-invalidate-rect, Function
gdk-window-invalidate-region, Function
gdk-window-is-destroyed, Function
gdk-window-is-input-only, Function
gdk-window-is-shaped, Function
gdk-window-is-viewable, Function
gdk-window-is-visible, Function
gdk-window-lower, Function
gdk-window-maximize, Function
gdk-window-merge-child-input-shapes, Function
gdk-window-merge-child-shapes, Function
gdk-window-modal-hint, Function
gdk-window-move, Function
gdk-window-move-region, Function
gdk-window-move-resize, Function
gdk-window-move-to-rect, Function
gdk-window-new, Function
gdk-window-origin, Function
gdk-window-parent, Function
gdk-window-pass-through, Function
gdk-window-peek-children, Function
gdk-window-pointer, Function
gdk-window-position, Function
gdk-window-process-all-updates, Function
gdk-window-process-updates, Function
gdk-window-raise, Function
gdk-window-register-dnd, Function
gdk-window-reparent, Function
gdk-window-resize, Function
gdk-window-restack, Function
gdk-window-root-coords, Function
gdk-window-root-origin, Function
gdk-window-scale-factor, Function
gdk-window-screen, Function
gdk-window-scroll, Function
gdk-window-set-background, Function
gdk-window-set-background-rgba, Function
gdk-window-set-child-input-shapes, Function
gdk-window-set-child-shapes, Function
gdk-window-set-debug-updates, Function
gdk-window-set-functions, Function
gdk-window-set-geometry-hints, Function
gdk-window-set-icon-list, Function
gdk-window-set-icon-name, Function
gdk-window-set-keep-above, Function
gdk-window-set-keep-below, Function
gdk-window-set-opacity, Function
gdk-window-set-opaque-region, Function
gdk-window-set-override-redirect, Function
gdk-window-set-role, Function
gdk-window-set-shadow-width, Function
gdk-window-set-skip-pager-hint, Function
gdk-window-set-skip-taskbar-hint, Function
gdk-window-set-startup-id, Function
gdk-window-set-static-gravities, Function
gdk-window-set-title, Function
gdk-window-set-transient-for, Function
gdk-window-set-urgency-hint, Function
gdk-window-shape-combine-region, Function
gdk-window-show, Function
gdk-window-show-unraised, Function
gdk-window-show-window-menu, Function
gdk-window-source-events, Function
gdk-window-state, Function
gdk-window-state, GFlags
gdk-window-stick, Function
gdk-window-support-multidevice, Function
gdk-window-thaw-updates, Function
gdk-window-toplevel, Function
gdk-window-type, Enum
gdk-window-type-hint, Function
gdk-window-type-hint, GEnum
gdk-window-unfullscreen, Function
gdk-window-unmaximize, Function
gdk-window-unstick, Function
gdk-window-update-area, Function
gdk-window-user-data, Function
gdk-window-visible-region, Function
gdk-window-visual, Function
gdk-window-width, Function
gdk-window-window-class, Enum
gdk-window-window-type, Function
gdk-window-withdraw, Function
gdk-wm-decoration, Flags
gdk-wm-function, Flags
gdk-x11-cursor, Class  (undocumented)
make-gdk-geometry, Function
make-gdk-window-attr, Function