Package: gdk

GFlags gdk-window-state


Specifies the state of a toplevel window.
(define-g-flags "GdkWindowState" gdk-window-state
  (:export t
   :type-initializer "gdk_window_state_get_type")
  (:withdrawn        #.(ash 1 0))
  (:iconified        #.(ash 1 1))
  (:maximized        #.(ash 1 2))
  (:sticky           #.(ash 1 3))
  (:fullscreen       #.(ash 1 4))
  (:above            #.(ash 1 5))
  (:below            #.(ash 1 6))
  (:focused          #.(ash 1 7))
  (:tiled            #.(ash 1 8))
  (:top-tiled        #.(ash 1 9))
  (:top-resizeable   #.(ash 1 10)
  (:right-tiled      #.(ash 1 11))
  (:right-resizable  #.(ash 1 12))
  (:bottom-tiled     #.(ash 1 13))
  (:bottom-resizable #.(ash 1 14))
  (:left-tiled       #.(ash 1 15))
  (:left-resizable   #.(ash 1 16)))  
The window is not shown.
The window is minimized.
The window is maximized.
The window is sticky.
The window is maximized without decorations.
The window is kept above other windows.
The window is kept below other windows.
The window is presented as focused (with active decorations).
The window is in a tiled state. Since 3.22, this is deprecated in favor of per-edge information.
Whether the top edge is tiled. Since 3.22
Whether the top edge is resizable. Since 3.22
Whether the right edge is tiled. Since 3.22
Whether the right edge is resizable. Since 3.22
Whether the bottom edge is tiled. Since 3.22
Whether the bottom edge is resizable. Since 3.22
Whether the left edge is tiled. Since 3.22
Whether the left edge is resizable. Since 3.22

See also
