Package: gdk

GEnum gdk-drag-protocol


Used in the gdk-drag-context object to indicate the protocol according to which DND is done.
(define-g-enum "GdkDragProtocol" gdk-drag-protocol
  (:export t
   :type-initializer "gdk_drag_protocol_get_type")
  (:none 0)
  (:motif 1)
  (:xdnd 2)
  (:rootwin 3)
  (:win32-dropfiles 4)
  (:ole2 5)
  (:local 6))  
No protocol.
The Motif DND protocol.
The Xdnd protocol.
An extension to the Xdnd protocol for unclaimed root window drops.
The simple WM_DROPFILES protocol.
The complex OLE2 DND protocol (not implemented).
Intra-application DND.

See also
