Package: gdk

Function make-gdk-window-attr

Lambda List

make-gdk-window-attr (&key title event-mask x y width height wclass visual  window-type cursor wmclass-name wmclass-class override-redirect type-hint)


title -- a :string with the title of the window, for toplevel windows
event-mask -- gdk-event-mask flags, see the function gdk-window-events
x -- a :int with the x coordinate relative to the parent window, see the function gdk-window-move
y -- a :int with the y coordinate relative to the parent window, see the function gdk-window-move
width -- a :int with the width of the window
height -- a :int with the height of the window
window-class -- a value of the gdk-window-window-class, :input-output for a normal window or :input-only for an invisible window that receives events
visual -- a gdk-visual for the window
window-type -- a value of the gdk-window-type enumeration
cursor -- a gdk-cursor object for the window, see the function gdk-window-cursor
wmclass-name -- a :string, do not use
wmclass-class -- a :string, do not use
override-redirect -- true to bypass the window manager
type-hint -- a value of the gdk-window-type-hint enumeration of the function of the window


Creates a gdk-window-attr structure with default values for the arguments.

See also
