Package: gdk

Flags gdk-window-attributes-type


Used to indicate which fields in the gdk-window-attr structure should be honored. For example, if you filled in the cursor and x fields of gdk-window-attr, pass '(:x :cursor) to the function gdk-window-new. Fields in gdk-window-attr not covered by a bit in this enum are required. For example, the width/height, wclass, and window-type fields are required, they have no corresponding flag in gdk-window-attributes-type.
(define-g-flags "GdkWindowAttributesType" gdk-window-attributes-type
  (:export t
   :type-initializer "gdk_window_attributes_type_get_type")
  (:title 2)
  (:x 4)
  (:y 8)
  (:cursor 16)
  (:visual 32)
  (:wmclass 64)
  (:noredir 128)
  (:type-hint 256))  
Honor the title field.
Honor the x coordinate field.
Honor the y coordinate field.
Honor the cursor field.
Honor the visual field.
Honor the wmclass-class and wmclass-name fields.
Honor the override-redirect field.
Honor the type-hint field.

See also
