Package: gdk

GBoxed gdk-rectangle


common-lisp:structure-object, common-lisp:t

Documented Subclasses



Defines the position and size of a rectangle. It is comparable to the cairo-rectangle-int-t structure.

The gdk-rectangle structure is holding the position and size of a rectangle. The intersection of two rectangles can be computed with the gdk-rectangle-intersect function. To find the union of two rectangles use the gdk-rectangle-union function.

The cairo-region-t structure is usually used for managing clipping of graphical operations.
(define-g-boxed-cstruct gdk-rectangle "GdkRectangle"
  (x :int :initform 0)
  (y :int :initform 0)
  (width :int :initform 0)
  (height :int :initform 0))  

Slot Access Functions

See also
