Package: gdk

Function gdk-event-device-tool

Lambda List

gdk-event-device-tool (event)


(gdk-event-device-tool event) => tool
(setf (gdk-event-device-tool event) tool)


event -- a gdk-event instance
tool -- a gdk-device-tool object


Accessor of the device tool representing the tool that caused the event.

If the event was generated by a device that supports different tools (e.g. a tablet), the function gdk-event-device-tool will return a gdk-device-tool representing the tool that caused the event. Otherwise, nil will be returned. The function (setf gdk-event-device-tool) sets the device tool for this event, should be rarely used.

Note: The gdk-device-tool object will be constant during the application lifetime, if settings must be stored persistently across runs, see the function gdk-device-tool-get-serial.

Since 3.22

See also
