Package: gdk

Function gdk-device-history

Lambda List

gdk-device-history (device window start stop)


device -- a gdk-device object
window -- a gdk-window object with respect to which which the event coordinates will be reported
start -- an unsigned integer with the starting timestamp for range of events to return
stop -- an unsigned integer with the ending timestamp for the range of events to return

Return Value

A list of gdk-time-coord instances if the windowing system supports motion history and at least one event was found, or nil.


Obtains the motion history for a pointer device. Given a starting and ending timestamp, return all events in the motion history for the device in the given range of time.

Some windowing systems do not support motion history, in which case, nil will be returned. This is not distinguishable from the case where motion history is supported and no events were found.

See also
