Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-cell-view-draw-sensitive

Lambda List

gtk-cell-view-draw-sensitive (object)


(gtk-cell-view-draw-sensitive object) => draw-sensitive
(setf (gtk-cell-view-draw-sensitive object) draw-sensitive)


object -- a gtk-cell-view object
draw-sensitive -- a boolean whether to draw all cells in a sensitive state


Accessor of the draw-sensitive slot of the gtk-cell-view class.

The gtk-cell-view-draw-sensitive slot access function gets whether the cell view is configured to draw all of its cells in a sensitive state. The (setf gtk-cell-view-draw-sensitive) slot access function sets whether cell view should draw all of its cells in a sensitive state.

This is used by gtk-combo-box menus to ensure that rows with insensitive cells that contain children appear sensitive in the parent menu item.

See also
