Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-cell-view-fit-model

Lambda List

gtk-cell-view-fit-model (object)


(gtk-cell-view-fit-model object) => fit-model
(setf (gtk-cell-view-fit-model object) fit-model)


object -- a gtk-cell-view object
fit-model -- whether the cell view should request space for the whole model


Accessor of the fit-model slot of the gtk-cell-view class.

The slot access function gtk-cell-view-fit-model gets whether the cell view is configured to request space to fit the entire gtk-tree-model object. The slot access function (setf gtk-cell-view-fit-model) sets the property.

This is used by gtk-combo-box widgets to ensure that the cell view displayed on the combo box's button always gets enough space and does not resize when selection changes.

See also
