Package: gtk

Function gtk-image-new-from-icon-set

Lambda List

gtk-image-new-from-icon-set (icon-set icon-size)


icon-set -- a gtk-icon-set structure
icon-size -- an icon size of type gtk-icon-size

Return Value

A new gtk-image widget.


Creates an image displaying an icon set.

Sample icon sizes are the :menu, :small-toolbar values. Instead of using this function, usually it is better to create a gtk-icon-factory object, put your icon sets in the icon factory, add the icon factory to the list of default factories with the gtk-icon-factory-add-default function, and then use the gtk-image-new-from-stock function. This will allow themes to override the icon you ship with your application.


The gtk-image-new-from-icon-set function has been deprecated since version 3.10 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the gtk-image-new-from-icon-name function instead.

See also
