Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-menu-accel-group

Lambda List

gtk-menu-accel-group (object)


(gtk-menu-accel-group object) => group
(setf (gtk-menu-accel-group object) group)


object -- a gtk-menu widget
group -- the gtk-accel-group object to be associated with the menu


Accessor of the accel-group slot of the gtk-menu class.

The gtk-menu-accel-group slot access function gets the accelerator group which holds global accelerators for the menu. The (setf gtk-menu-accel-group) slot access function sets the accelerator group.

This accelerator group needs to also be added to all windows that this menu is being used in with the gtk-window-add-accel-group function, in order for those windows to support all the accelerators contained in this group.

See also
