Package: gtk

Accessor gtk-widget-opacity

Lambda List

gtk-widget-opacity (object)


(gtk-widget-opacity object) => opacity
(setf (gtk-widget-opacity object) opacity)


object -- a gtk-widget object
opacity -- a double float with the opacity of the widget


Accessor of the opacity slot of the gtk-widget class.

The gtk-widget-opacity slot access function fetches the requested opacity for the widget. The (setf gtk-widget-opacity) slot access function request the widget to be rendered partially transparent, with opacity 0.0 being fully transparent and 1.0 fully opaque.

Opacity values are clamped to the [0.0,1.0] range. This works on both toplevel widget, and child widgets, although there are some limitations:
  • For toplevel widgets this depends on the capabilities of the windowing system. On X11 this has any effect only on X screens with a compositing manager running. See the gtk-widget-is-composited function. On Windows it should work always, although setting the opacity of the window after the window has been shown causes it to flicker once on Windows.
  • For child widgets it does not work if any affected widget has a native window, or disables double buffering.

See also
