Package: gtk

Class gtk-widget


gtk-buildable, g-object, common-lisp:standard-object, common-lisp:t

Documented Subclasses

Direct Slots

The app-paintable property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Whether the application will paint directly on the widget.
Default value: false
The can-default property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Whether the widget can be the default widget.
Default value: false
The can-focus property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Whether the widget can accept the input focus.
Default value: false
The composite-child property of type :boolean (Read)
Whether the widget is part of a composite widget.
Default value: false
The double-buffered property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Whether the widget is double buffered.
Warning: The double-buffered property has been deprecated since version 3.14 and should not be used in newly written code. Widgets should not use this property.
Default value: true
The events property of type gdk-event-mask (Read / Write)
The event mask that decides what kind of gdk-event events this widget gets.
Default value: :structure-mask
The expand property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Whether to expand in both directions. Setting the expand property sets both hexpand and vexpand properties.
Default value: false
The focus-on-click property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Whether the widget should grab focus when it is clicked with the mouse. This property is only relevant for widgets that can take focus. Since 3.20
Default value: true
The halign property of type gtk-align (Read / Write)
How to distribute horizontal space if the widget gets extra space.
Default value: :fill
The has-default property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Whether the widget is the default widget.
Default value: false
The has-focus property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Whether the widget has the input focus.
Default value: false
The has-tooltip property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Enables or disables the emission of the "query-tooltip" signal on the widget. A true value indicates that the widget can have a tooltip, in this case the widget will be queried using the "query-tooltip" signal to determine whether it will provide a tooltip or not. Note that setting this property to true for the first time will change the event masks of the gdk-window objects of this widget to include "leave-notify" and "motion-notify" events. This cannot and will not be undone when the property is set to false again.
Default value: false
The height-request property of type :int (Read / Write)
Override for height request of the widget, or -1 if natural request should be used.
Allowed values: >= -1
Default value: -1
The hexpand property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Whether to expand horizontally.
Default value: false
The hexpand-set property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Whether to use the hexpand property.
Default value: false
The is-focus property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Whether the widget is the focus widget within the toplevel.
Default value: false
The margin property of type :int (Read / Write)
Sets the margin of all four sides at once. If read, returns the maximum margin on any side.
Allowed values: [0,32767]
Default value: 0
The margin-bottom property of type :int (Read / Write)
Margin on bottom side of the widget. This property adds margin outside of the normal size request of the widget.
Allowed values: [0,32767]
Default value: 0
The margin-end property of type :int (Read / Write)
Margin on end of the widget, horizontally. This property supports left-to-right text directions. This property adds margin outside of the normal size request of the widget.
Allowed values: [0,32767]
Default value: 0
The margin-left property of type :int (Read / Write)
Margin on left side of the widget.
Warning: The margin-left property has been deprecated since version 3.12 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the margin-start property instead.
Allowed values: [0,32767]
Default value: 0
The margin-right property of type :int (Read / Write)
Margin on right side of the widget.
Warning: The margin-right property has been deprecated since version 3.12 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the margin-end property instead.
Allowed values: [0,32767]
Default value: 0
The margin-start property of type :int (Read / Write)
Margin on start of the widget, horizontally. This property supports left-to-right and right-to-left text directions. This property adds margin outside of the normal size request of the widget.
Allowed values: [0,32767]
Default value: 0
The margin-top property of type :int (Read / Write)
Margin on top side of the widget. This property adds margin outside of the normal size request of the widget.
Allowed values: [0,32767]
Default value: 0
The name property of type :string (Read / Write)
The name of the widget.
Default value: nil
The no-show-all property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Whether the gtk-widget-show-all function should not affect this widget.
Default value: false
The opacity property of type :double (Read / Write)
The requested opacity of the widget.
Allowed values: [0.0,1.0]
Default value: 1.0
The parent property of type gtk-container (Read / Write)
The parent widget of this widget, which must be a container.
The receives-default property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
If true, the widget will receive the default action when it is focused.
Default value: false
The scale-factor property of type :int (Read)
The scale factor of the widget.
Allowed values: >= 1
Default value: 1
The sensitive property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Whether the widget responds to input.
Default value: true
The style property of type GtkStyle (Read / Write)
The style of the widget, which contains information about how it will look.
Warning: The style property is deprecated since version 3.0 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the gtk-style-context class instead.
The tooltip-markup property of type :string (Read / Write)
Sets the text of the tooltip to be the given string, which is marked up with the Pango text markup language. This is a convenience property which will take care of getting the tooltip shown if the given string is not nil. The has-tooltip property will automatically be set to true and there will be taken care of the "query-tooltip" signal in the default signal handler. Note that if both the tooltip-text and tooltip-markup properties are set, the last one wins.
Default value: nil
The tooltip-text property of type :string (Read / Write)
Sets the text of the tooltip to be the given string. This is a convenience property which will take care of getting the tooltip shown if the given string is not nil. The has-tooltip property will automatically be set to true and there will be taken care of the "query-tooltip" signal in the default signal handler. Note that if both the tooltip-text and tooltip-markup properties are set, the last one wins.
Default value: nil
The valign property of type gtk-align (Read / Write)
How to distribute vertical space if the widget gets extra space.
Default value: :fill
The vexpand property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Whether to expand vertically.
Default value: false
The vexpand-set property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Whether to use the vexpand property.
Default value: false
The visible property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Whether the widget is visible.
Default value: false
The width-request property of type :int (Read / Write)
Override for width request of the widget, or -1 if natural request should be used.
Allowed values: >= -1
Default value: -1
The window property of type gdk-window (Read)
The GDK window of the widget if it is realized, nil otherwise.


The gtk-widget class is the base class all widgets in GTK derive from. It manages the widget life cycle, states and style.

Height-for-width Geometry Management
GTK uses a height-for-width and width-for-height geometry management system. Height-for-width means that a widget can change how much vertical space it needs, depending on the amount of horizontal space that it is given and similar for width-for-height. The most common example is a label that reflows to fill up the available width, wraps to fewer lines, and therefore needs less height.

GTK also supports baseline vertical alignment of widgets. This means that widgets are positioned such that the typographical baseline of widgets in the same row are aligned. This happens if a widget supports baselines, has a vertical alignment of :baseline, and is inside a container that supports baselines and has a natural "row" that it aligns to the baseline, or a baseline assigned to it by the grandparent.

If a widget ends up baseline aligned it will be allocated all the space in the parent as if it was :fill, but the selected baseline can be found via the gtk-widget-allocated-baseline function. If this has a value other than -1 you need to align the widget such that the baseline appears at the position.

Style Properties
The gtk-widget class introduces style properties - these are basically object properties that are stored not on the object, but in the style object associated to the widget. Style properties are set in resource files. This mechanism is used for configuring such things as the location of the scrollbar arrows through the theme, giving theme authors more control over the look of applications without the need to write a theme engine.

Use the gtk-widget-class-find-style-property or gtk-widget-class-list-style-properties functions to get information about existing style properties and the gtk-widget-style-property function to obtain the value of a style property.

GtkWidget as GtkBuildable
The gtk-widget implementation of the gtk-buildable interface supports a custom <accelerator> element, which has attributes named key, modifiers and signal and allows to specify accelerators.

Example: A UI definition fragment specifying an accelerator
<object class="GtkButton">
  <accelerator key="q" modifiers="GDK_CONTROL_MASK" signal="clicked"/>
In addition to accelerators, the gtk-widget implementation also support a custom <accessible> element, which supports actions and relations. Properties on the accessible implementation of an object can be set by accessing the internal child "accessible" of a gtk-widget object.

Example: A UI definition fragment specifying an accessible
<object class="GtkButton" id="label1"/>
  <property name="label">I am a Label for a Button</property>
<object class="GtkButton" id="button1">
    <action action_name="click"
            translatable="yes">Click the button.</action>
    <relation target="label1" type="labelled-by"/>
  <child internal-child="accessible">
    <object class="AtkObject" id="a11y-button1">
      <property name="AtkObject::name">Clickable Button</property>
Finally, the gtk-widget implementation allows style information such as style classes to be associated with widgets, using the custom <style> element:

Example: A UI definition fragment specifying an style class
<object class="GtkButton" id="button1">
    <class name="my-special-button-class"/>
    <class name="dark-button"/>

Building composite widgets from template XML
The gtk-widget implementation exposes some facilities to automate the proceedure of creating composite widgets using the gtk-builder interface description language.

To create composite widgets with gtk-builder XML, one must associate the interface description with the widget class at class initialization time using the gtk-widget-class-set-template function.

The interface description semantics expected in composite template descriptions is slightly different from regulare gtk-builder XML. Unlike regular interface descriptions, the gtk-widget-class-set-template function will expect a <template> tag as a direct child of the toplevel <interface> tag. The <template> tag must specify the "class" attribute which must be the type name of the widget. Optionally, the "parent" attribute may be specified to specify the direct parent type of the widget type, this is ignored by the gtk-builder object but required for Glade to introspect what kind of properties and internal children exist for a given type when the actual type does not exist.

The XML which is contained inside the <template> tag behaves as if it were added to the <object> tag defining the widget itself. You may set properties on the widget by inserting <property> tags into the <template> tag, and also add <child> tags to add children and extend the widget in the normal way you would with <object> tags.

Additionally, <object> tags can also be added before and after the initial <template> tag in the normal way, allowing one to define auxilary objects which might be referenced by other widgets declared as children of the <template> tag.

Example: A btk-builder template definition
  <template class="FooWidget" parent="GtkBox">
    <property name="orientation">GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL</property>
    <property name="spacing">4</property>
      <object class="GtkButton" id="hello_button">
        <property name="label">Hello World</property>
      <object class="GtkButton" id="goodbye_button">
        <property name="label">Goodbye World</property>

Style Property Details

The cursor-aspect-ratio style property of type :float (Read)
Aspect ratio with which to draw insertion cursor.
Allowed values: [0.0,1.0]
Default value: 0.04
The cursor-color style property of type gdk-color (Read )
Color with which to draw insertion cursor.
The focus-line-pattern style property of type :string (Read)
Dash pattern used to draw the focus indicator.
Warning: The focus-line-pattern style property has been deprecated since version 3.14 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the outline-style CSS property instead.
Default value: "001001"
The focus-line-width style property of type :int (Read)
Width, in pixels, of the focus indicator line.
Warning: The focus-line-width style property has been deprecated since version 3.14 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the outline-width CSS property instead.
Allowed values: >= 0
Default value: 1
The focus-padding style property of type :int (Read)
Width, in pixels, between focus indicator and the widget 'box'.
Warning: The focus-padding style property has been deprecated since version 3.14 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the padding CSS property instead.
Allowed values: >= 0
Default value: 1
The interior-focus style property of type :boolean (Read)
Whether to draw the focus indicator inside widgets.
Warning: The interior-focus style property has been deprecated since version 3.14 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the outline CSS property instead.
Default value: true
The link-color style property of type gdk-color (Read)
Defines the color of unvisited links.
Warning: The link-color style property has been deprecated since version 3.12 and should not be used in newly written code. Links now use a separate state flags for selecting different theming. This style property is ignored.
The scroll-arrow-hlength style property of type :int (Read)
Defines the length of horizontal scroll arrows.
Allowed values: >= 1
Default value: 16
The scroll-arrow-vlength style property of type :int (Read)
Defines the length of vertical scroll arrows.
Allowed values: >= 1
Default value: 16
The secondary-cursor-color style property of type gdk-color (Read)
Color with which to draw the secondary insertion cursor when editing mixed right-to-left and left-to-right text.
The separator-height style property of type :int (Read)
Defines the height of separators. This property only takes effect if the wide-separators style property is true.
Warning: The separator-height style property has been deprecated since version 3.20 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the standard min-height CSS property on the separator elements to size separators. The value of this style property is ignored.
Allowed values: >= 0
Default value: 0
The separator-width style property of type :int (Read)
Defines the width of separators. This property only takes effect if the wide-separators style property is true.
Warning: The separator-width style property has been deprecated since version 3.20 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the standard min-height CSS property on the separator elements to size separators. The value of this style property is ignored.
Allowed values: >= 0
Default value: 0
The text-handle-height style property of type :int (Read)
Height of text selection handles.
Allowed values: >= 1
Default value: 24
The text-handle-width style property of type :int (Read)
Width of text selection handles.
Allowed values: >= 1
Default value: 20
The visited-link-color style property of type gdk-color (Read)
Defines the color of visited links.
Warning: The visited-link-color style property has been deprecated since version 3.12 and should not be used in newly written code. Links now use a separate state flags for selecting different theming. This style property is ignored.
The wide-separators style property of type :boolean (Read)
Defines whether separators have configurable width and should be drawn using a box instead of a line.
Default value: false
The window-dragging style property of type :boolean (Read)
Whether windows can be dragged by clicking on empty areas.
Default value: false

Signal Details

The "accel-closures-changed" signal
 lambda (widget)      
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The "button-press-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted when a button typically from a mouse is pressed. To receive this signal, the gdk-window object associated to the widget needs to enable the :button-press-mask mask of the gdk-event-mask flags. The signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-button event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "button-release-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted when a button typically from a mouse is released. To receive this signal, the gdk-window object associated to the widget needs to enable the :button-realease-mask mask of the gdk-event-mask flags. The signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-button event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "can-activate-accel" signal
 lambda (widget signal)    :run-last      
Determines whether an accelerator that activates the signal identified by signal can currently be activated. The signal is present to allow applications and derived widgets to override the default handling for determining whether an accelerator can be activated.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
An unsigned integer with the ID of a signal installed on the widget.
True if the signal can be activated.
The "child-notify" signal
 lambda (widget pspec)    :no-hooks      
Emitted for each child property that has changed on an object. The detail of the signal holds the property name.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The g-param-spec instance of the changed child property.
The "composited-changed" signal
 lambda (widget)    :action      
Emitted when the composited status of widgets screen changes.
Warning: The "composited-changed" signal has been deprecated since version 3.22 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the "composited-changed" signal of the gdk-screen class instead.
The gtk-widget object on which the signal is emitted.
The "configure-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted when the size, position or stacking of the GDK window of the widget has changed. To receive this signal, the gdk-window object associated to the widget needs to enable the :structure-mask mask of the gdk-event-mask flags. GDK will enable this mask automatically for all new windows.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-configure event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "damage-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted when a redirected window belonging to the widget gets drawn into. The region/area members of the event shows what area of the redirected drawable was drawn into.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-expose event.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "delete-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted if a user requests that a toplevel window is closed. The default handler for this signal destroys the window. Connecting the gtk-widget-hide-on-delete function to this signal will cause the window to be hidden instead, so that it can later be shown again without reconstructing it.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "destroy" signal
 lambda (widget)    :no-hooks      
Signals that all holders of a reference to the widget should release the reference that they hold. May result in finalization of the widget if all references are released.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The "destroy-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted when a gdk-window object is destroyed. You rarely get this signal, because most widgets disconnect themselves from their GDK window before they destroy it, so no widget owns the GDK window at destroy time. To receive this signal, the gdk-window object associated to the widget needs to enable the :structure-mask mask of the gdk-event-mask flags. GDK will enable this mask automatically for all new windows.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "direction-changed" signal
 lambda (widget direction)    :run-first      
Emitted when the text direction of a widget changes.
The gtk-widget object on which the signal is emitted.
The previous gtk-text-direction text direction of the widget.
The "drag-begin" signal
 lambda (widget context)    :run-last      
Emitted on the drag source when a drag is started. A typical reason to connect to this signal is to set up a custom drag icon with e.g. the gtk-drag-source-set-icon-pixbuf function. Note that some widgets set up a drag icon in the default handler of this signal, so you may have to use the g-signal-connect function to override what the default handler did.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-drag-context object.
The "drag-data-delete" signal
 lambda (widget context)    :run-last      
Emitted on the drag source when a drag with the :move action of the gdk-drag-action flags is successfully completed. The signal handler is responsible for deleting the data that has been dropped. What "delete" means depends on the context of the drag operation.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-drag-context object.
The "drag-data-get" signal
 lambda (widget context selection info time)    :run-last      
Emitted on the drag source when the drop site requests the data which is dragged. It is the responsibility of the signal handler to fill the selection argument with the data in the format which is indicated by the info argument. See the gtk-selection-data-set and gtk-selection-data-text functions.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-drag-context object.
The gtk-selection-data instance to be filled with the dragged data.
An unsigned integer with the info that has been registered with the target in the gtk-target-list instance.
An unsigned integer with the timestamp at which the data was requested.
The "drag-data-received" signal
 lambda (widget context x y selection info time)    :run-last      
Emitted on the drop site when the dragged data has been received. If the data was received in order to determine whether the drop will be accepted, the handler is expected to call the gdk-drag-status function and not finish the drag. If the data was received in response to a "drag-drop" signal and this is the last target to be received, the handler for this signal is expected to process the received data and then call the gtk-drag-finish function, setting the success parameter depending on whether the data was processed successfully. Applications must create some means to determine why the signal was emitted and therefore whether to call the gdk-drag-status or gtk-drag-finish functions. The handler may inspect the selected action with the gdk-drag-context-selected-action function before calling the gtk-drag-finish function, e.g. to implement the :ask value of the gdk-drag-action flags as shown in the following example:
drag_data_received (GtkWidget          *widget,
                    GdkDragContext     *context,
                    gint                x,
                    gint                y,
                    GtkSelectionData   *data,
                    guint               info,
                    guint               time)
  if ((data->length >= 0) && (data->format == 8))
      GdkDragAction action;

// handle data here

action = gdk_drag_context_get_selected_action (context); if (action == GDK_ACTION_ASK) { GtkWidget *dialog; gint response;

dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (NULL, GTK_DIALOG_MODAL | GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, GTK_MESSAGE_INFO, GTK_BUTTONS_YES_NO, "Move the data ?n"); response = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)); gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);

if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_YES) action = GDK_ACTION_MOVE; else action = GDK_ACTION_COPY; }

gtk_drag_finish (context, TRUE, action == GDK_ACTION_MOVE, time); } else gtk_drag_finish (context, FALSE, FALSE, time); }
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-drag-context drag context.
An integer where the drop happened.
An integer where the drop happened.
The received gtk-selection-data data.
An unsigned integer with the info that has been registered with the target in the gtk-target-list instance.
An unsigned integer with the timestamp at which the data was received.
The "drag-drop" signal
 lambda (widget context x y time)    :run-last      
Emitted on the drop site when the user drops the data onto the widget. The signal handler must determine whether the cursor position is in a drop zone or not. If it is not in a drop zone, it returns false and no further processing is necessary. Otherwise, the handler returns true. In this case, the handler must ensure that the gtk-drag-finish function is called to let the source know that the drop is done. The call to the gtk-drag-finish function can be done either directly or in a "drag-data-received" signal handler which gets triggered by calling the gtk-drag-data function to receive the data for one or more of the supported targets.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-drag-context drag context.
An integer with the x coordinate of the current cursor position.
An integer with the y coordinate of the current cursor position.
An unsigned integer with the timestamp of the motion event.
A boolean whether the cursor position is in a drop zone.
The "drag-end" signal
 lambda (widget context)    :run-last      
Emitted on the drag source when a drag is finished. A typical reason to connect to this signal is to undo things done in the "drag-begin" signal handler.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-drag-context drag context.
The "drag-failed" signal
 lambda (widget context result)    :run-last      
Emitted on the drag source when a drag has failed. The signal handler may hook custom code to handle a failed DND operation based on the type of error, it returns true if the failure has been already handled, not showing the default "drag operation failed" animation, otherwise it returns false.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-drag-context drag context.
The gtk-drag-result result of the drag operation.
True if the failed drag operation has been already handled.
The "drag-leave" signal
 lambda (widget context time)    :run-last      
Emitted on the drop site when the cursor leaves the widget. A typical reason to connect to this signal is to undo things done in a "drag-motion" signal handler, e.g. undo highlighting with the gtk-drag-unhighlight function. Likewise, the "drag-leave" signal is also emitted before the "drag-drop"signal, for instance to allow cleaning up of a preview item created in the "drag-motion" signal handler.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-drag-context drag context.
An unsigned integer with the timestamp of the motion event.
The "drag-motion" signal
 lambda (widget context x y time)    :run-last      
Emitted on the drop site when the user moves the cursor over the widget during a drag. The signal handler must determine whether the cursor position is in a drop zone or not. If it is not in a drop zone, it returns false and no further processing is necessary. Otherwise, the handler returns true. In this case, the handler is responsible for providing the necessary information for displaying feedback to the user, by calling the gdk-drag-status function.

If the decision whether the drop will be accepted or rejected cannot be made based solely on the cursor position and the type of the data, the handler may inspect the dragged data by calling the gtk-drag-data function and defer the gdk-drag-status function call to the "drag-data-received" signal handler. Note that you cannot pass the :drop, :motion or :all values of the gtk-dest-defaults flags to the gtk-drag-dest-set function when using the "drag-motion" signal that way.

Also note that there is no "drag-enter" signal. The drag receiver has to keep track of whether he has received any "drag-motion" signals since the last "drag-leave" signal and if not, treat the "drag-motion" signal as an "enter" signal. Upon an "enter", the handler will typically highlight the drop site with the gtk-drag-highlight function.
static void
drag_motion (GtkWidget *widget,
             GdkDragContext *context,
             gint x,
             gint y,
             guint time)
  GdkAtom target;

PrivateData *private_data = GET_PRIVATE_DATA (widget);

if (!private_data->drag_highlight) { private_data->drag_highlight = 1; gtk_drag_highlight (widget); }

target = gtk_drag_dest_find_target (widget, context, NULL); if (target == GDK_NONE) gdk_drag_status (context, 0, time); else { private_data->pending_status = context->suggested_action; gtk_drag_get_data (widget, context, target, time); }

return TRUE; }

static void drag_data_received (GtkWidget *widget, GdkDragContext *context, gint x, gint y, GtkSelectionData *selection_data, guint info, guint time) { PrivateData *private_data = GET_PRIVATE_DATA (widget);

if (private_data->suggested_action) { private_data->suggested_action = 0;

/* We are getting this data due to a request in drag_motion, * rather than due to a request in drag_drop, so we are just * supposed to call gdk_drag_status (), not actually paste in * the data. */ str = gtk_selection_data_get_text (selection_data); if (!data_is_acceptable (str)) gdk_drag_status (context, 0, time); else gdk_drag_status (context, private_data->suggested_action, time); } else { /* accept the drop */ } }
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-drag-context drag context.
An integer with the x coordinate of the current cursor position.
An integer with the y coordinate of the current cursor position.
An unsigned integer with the timestamp of the motion event.
A boolean whether the cursor position is in a drop zone.
The "draw" signal
 lambda (widget cr)    :run-last      
Emitted when a widget is supposed to render itself. The top left corner of the widget must be painted at the origin of the passed in Cairo context and be sized to the values returned by the gtk-widget-allocated-width and gtk-widget-allocated-height functions. Signal handlers connected to this signal can modify the Cairo context in any way they like and do not need to restore it. The signal emission takes care of calling the cairo-save function before and the cairo-restore function after invoking the handler.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The cairo-context Cairo context to draw to.
The "enter-notify-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted when the pointer enters the GDK window of the widget. To receive this signal, the gdk-window object associated to the widget needs to enable the :enter-notify-mask mask of the gdk-event-mask flags. The signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-crossing event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
The GTK main loop will emit three signals for each GDK event delivered to a widget: one generic "event" signal, another, more specific, signal that matches the type of event delivered, e.g. the "key-press-event" signal, and finally a generic "event-after" signal.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event and to cancel the emission of the second specific "event" signal. False to propagate the event further and to allow the emission of the second signal. The "event-after" signal is emitted regardless of the return value.
The "event-after" signal
 lambda (widget event)      
After the emission of the "event" signal and optionally the second more specific signal, the signal "event-after" will be emitted regardless of the previous two signals handlers return values.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event event which triggered this signal.
The "focus" signal
 lambda (widget direction)    :run-last      
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gtk-direction-type direction.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "focus-in-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted when the keyboard focus enters the GDK window of the widget. To receive this signal, the gdk-window object associated to the widget needs to enable the :focus-change-mask mask of the gdk-event-mask flags.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-focus event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "focus-out-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted when the keyboard focus leaves the GDK window of the widget. To receive this signal, the gdk-window object associated to the widget needs to enable the :focus-change-mask mask of the gdk-event-mask flags.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-focus event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false topropagate the event further.
The "grab-broken-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    : run-last      
Emitted when a pointer or keyboard grab on a GDK window belonging to the widget gets broken. On X11, this happens when the grab window becomes unviewable, i.e. it or one of its ancestors is unmapped, or if the same application grabs the pointer or keyboard again.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-grab-broken event.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "grab-focus" signal
 lambda (widget)    :action      
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The "grab-notify" signal
 lambda (widget grabbed)    :run-first      
Emitted when a widget becomes shadowed by a GTK grab, not a pointer or keyboard grab, on another widget, or when it becomes unshadowed due to a grab being removed. A widget is shadowed by a the gtk-grab-add function when the topmost grab widget in the grab stack of its window group is not its ancestor.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
False if the widget becomes shadowed, true if it becomes unshadowed.
The "hide" signal
 lambda (widget)    :run-first      
Emitted when the widget is hidden, for example with the gtk-widget-hide function.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The "hierarchy-changed" signal
 lambda (widget toplevel)    :run-last      
Emitted when the anchored state of a widget changes. A widget is anchored when its toplevel ancestor is a gtk-window widget. The signal is emitted when a widget changes from un-anchored to anchored or vice-versa.
The gtk-widget object on which the signal is emitted.
The previous gtk-widget toplevel ancestor, or nil if the widget was previously unanchored.
The "key-press-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted when a key is pressed. The signal emission will reoccur at the key-repeat rate when the key is kept pressed. To receive this signal, the gdk-window object associated to the widget needs to enable the :key-press-mask mask of the gdk-event-mask flags. This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-key event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "key-release-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted when a key is released. To receive this signal, the gdk-window object associated to the widget needs to enable the :key-release-mask mask of the gdk-event-mask flags. This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-key event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "keynav-failed" signal
 lambda (widget direction)    :run-last      
Gets emitted if keyboard navigation fails.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gtk-direction-type direction of movement.
True if stopping keyboard navigation is fine, false if the emitting widget should try to handle the keyboard navigation attempt in its parent container(s).
The "leave-notify-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted when the pointer leaves the GDK window of the widget. To receive this signal, the gdk-window object associated to the widget needs to enable the :leave-notify-mask mask of the gdk-event-mask flags. The signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-crossing event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "map" signal
 lambda (widget)    :run-first      
Emitted when the widget is going to be mapped, that is when the widget is visible, which is controlled with the gtk-widget-visible function, and all its parents up to the toplevel widget are also visible. Once the map has occurred, the "map-event" signal will be emitted. The "map" signal can be used to determine whether a widget will be drawn, for instance it can resume an animation that was stopped during the emission of the "unmap" signal.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The "map-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted when the GDK window of the widget is mapped. A window is mapped when it becomes visible on the screen. To receive this signal, the gdk-window object associated to the widget needs to enable the :structure-mask mask of the gdk-event-mask flags. GDK will enable this mask automatically for all new windows.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "mnemonic-activate" signal
The default handler for this signal activates the widget if the cycling argument is false, or just makes the widget grab focus if the cycling argument is true.
 lambda (widget cycling)    :run-last      
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
True if there are other widgets with the same mnemonic.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "motion-notify-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted when the pointer moves over the GDK window of the widget. To receive this signal, the gdk-window object associated to the widget needs to enable the :pointer-motion-mask mask of the gdk-event-mask flags. The signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-motion event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "move-focus" signal
 lambda (widget direction)    :action      
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gtk-direction-type direction.
The "parent-set" signal
 lambda (widget parent)    :run-first      
Emitted when a new parent has been set on a widget.
The gtk-widget object on which the signal is emitted.
The previous gtk-widget parent, or nil if the widget just got its initial parent.
The "popup-menu" signal
 lambda (widget)    :action      
Gets emitted whenever a widget should pop up a context menu. This usually happens through the standard key binding mechanism. By pressing a certain key while a widget is focused, the user can cause the widget to pop up a menu.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
True if a menu was activated.
The "property-notify-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted when a property on the GDK window of the widget has been changed or deleted. To receive this signal, the gdk-window object associated to the widget needs to enable the :property-change-mask mask of the gdk-event-mask flags.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-property event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "proximity-in-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
To receive this signal the gdk-window object associated to the widget needs to enable the :proximity-in-mask mask of the gdk-event-mask flags. The signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-proximity event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event. False to propagate the event further.
The "proximity-out-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
To receive this signal the gdk-window object associated to the widget needs to enable the :proximity-out-mask mask of the gdk-event-mask flags. The signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-proximity event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "query-tooltip" signal
 lambda (widget x y mode tooltip)    :run-last     
Emitted when the has-tooltip property is true and the gtk-tooltip-timeout setting has expired with the cursor hovering "above" widget, or emitted when the widget got focus in keyboard mode. Using the given coordinates, the signal handler should determine whether a tooltip should be shown for the widget. If this is the case true should be returned, false otherwise. Note that if the mode argument is true, the x and y values are undefined and should not be used. The signal handler is free to manipulate the tooltip argument with the therefore destined function calls.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
An integer with the x coordinate of the cursor position where the request has been emitted, relative to the left side of the widget.
An integer with the y coordinate of the cursor position where the request has been emitted, relative to the top of the widget.
True if the tooltip was trigged using the keyboard.
A gtk-tooltip object.
True if tooltip should be shown right now, false otherwise.
The "realize" signal
 lambda (widget)    :run-first      
Emitted when the widget is associated with a gdk-window object, which means that the gtk-widget-realize function has been called or the widget has been mapped, that is, it is going to be drawn.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The "screen-changed" signal
 lambda (widget screen)    :run-last      
Gets emitted when the screen of a widget has changed.
The gtk-widget object on which the signal is emitted.
The previous gdk-screen object, or nil if the widget was not associated with a screen before.
The "scroll-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted when a button in the 4 to 7 range is pressed. Wheel mice are usually configured to generate button press events for buttons 4 and 5 when the wheel is turned. To receive this signal, the gdk-window object associated to the widget needs to enable the :button-press-mask mask of the gdk-event-mask flags. This signal will be sent to the grab widget if there is one.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-scroll event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "selection-clear-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted when the the GDK window of the widget has lost ownership of a selection.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-selection event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "selection-get" signal
 lambda (widget data info time)    :run-last      
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gtk-selection-data instance.
An unsigned integer with the info that has been registered with the target.
An unsigned integer with the timestamp at which the data was requested.
The "selection-notify-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-selection event.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "selection-received" signal
 lambda (widget data time)    :run-last      
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gtk-selection-data instance.
An unsigned integer with the timestamp.
The "selection-request-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted when another client requests ownership of the selection owned by the GDK window of the widget.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-selection event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "show" signal
 lambda (widget)      
Emitted when the widget is shown, for example with the gtk-widget-show function.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The "show-help" signal
 lambda (widget help)    :action      
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
A value of the gtk-widget-help-type enumeration.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "size-allocate" signal
 lambda (widget allocation)    :run-first      
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
A gdk-rectangle instance with the region which has been allocated to the widget.
The "state-changed" signal
 lambda (widget state)    :run-first      
Emitted when the widget state changes.
Warning: The "state-changed" signal is deprecated since version 3.0 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the "state-flags-changed" signal instead.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The previous gtk-state-type state.
The "state-flags-changed" signal
 lambda (widget flags)    :run-first      
Emitted when the widget state changes.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The previous gtk-state-flags state flags.
The "style-set" signal
 lambda (widget style)    :run-first      
Emitted when a new style has been set on a widget.
Warning: The "style-set" signal has been deprecated since version 3.0 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the "style-updated" signal.
The gtk-widget object on which the signal is emitted.
The previous GtkStyle style, or nil if the widget just got its initial style.
The "style-updated" signal
 lambda (widget)    :run-first      
Emitted when the gtk-style-context object of a widget is changed. Note that style-modifying functions like the gtk-widget-override-color function also cause this signal to be emitted.
The gtk-widget object on which the signal is emitted.
The "touch-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
The gtk-widget object on which the signal is emitted.
The gdk-event event.
The "unmap" signal
 lambda (widget)    :run-first      
Emitted when the widget is going to be unmapped, which means that either it or any of its parents up to the toplevel widget have been set as hidden. As the "unmap" signal indicates that a widget will not be shown any longer, it can be used to, for example, stop an animation on the widget.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The "unmap-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted when the GDK window of the widget is unmapped. A window is unmapped when it becomes invisible on the screen. To receive this signal, the gdk-window object associated to the widget needs to enable the :structure-mask mask of the gdk-event-mask flags. GDK will enable this mask automatically for all new windows.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "unrealize" signal
 lambda (widget)    :run-last      
Emitted when the gdk-window object associated with the widget is destroyed, which means that the gtk-widget-unrealize function has been called or the widget has been unmapped, that is, it is going to be hidden.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The "visibility-notify-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted when the GDK window of the widget is obscured or unobscured. To receive this signal the gdk-window object associated to the widget needs to enable the :visibility-notify-mask mask of the gdk-event-mask flags.
Warning: The "visibility-notify-event" signal has been deprecated since version 3.12 and should not be used in newly written code. Modern composited windowing systems with pervasive transparency make it impossible to track the visibility of a window reliably, so this signal can not be guaranteed to provide useful information.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-visibility event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.
The "window-state-event" signal
 lambda (widget event)    :run-last      
Emitted when the state of the toplevel window associated to the widget changes. To receive this signal the gdk-window object associated to the widget needs to enable the :structure-mask mask of the gdk-event-mask flags. GDK will enable this mask automatically for all new windows.
The gtk-widget object which received the signal.
The gdk-event-window-state event which triggered this signal.
True to stop other handlers from being invoked for the event, false to propagate the event further.

Slot Access Functions

Inherited Slot Access Functions

See also
