Package: gtk

Class gtk-calendar


gtk-widget, gtk-buildable, g-object, common-lisp:standard-object, common-lisp:t

Documented Subclasses


Direct Slots

The day property of type :int (Read / Write)
The selected day as a number between 1 and 31, or 0 to unselect the currently selected day. This property gets initially set to the current day.
Allowed values: [0, 31]
Default value: 0
The detail-height-rows property of type :int (Read / Write)
Height of a detail cell, in rows. A value of 0 allows any width.
Allowed values: [0, 127]
Default value: 0
The detail-width-chars property of type :int (Read / Write)
Width of a detail cell, in characters. A value of 0 allows any width.
Allowed values: [0, 127]
Default value: 0
The month property of type :int (Read / Write)
The selected month as a number between 0 and 11. This property gets initially set to the current month.
Allowed values: [0, 11]
Default value: 0
The no-month-change property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Determines whether the selected month can be changed.
Default value: false
The show-day-names property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Determines whether day names are displayed.
Default value: true
The show-details property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Determines whether details are shown directly in the widget, or if they are available only as tooltip. When this property is set days with details are marked.
Default value: true
The show-heading property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Determines whether a heading is displayed.
Default value: true
The show-week-numbers property of type :boolean (Read / Write)
Determines whether week numbers are displayed.
Default value: false
The year property of type :int (Read / Write)
The selected year. This property gets initially set to the current year.
Allowed values: [0, 4194303]
Default value: 0


The gtk-calendar widget displays a Gregorian calendar, one month at a time. It can be created with the gtk-calendar-new function.

The month and year currently displayed can be altered with the gtk-calendar-select-month function. The exact day can be selected from the displayed month using the gtk-calendar-select-day function.

To place a visual marker on a particular day, use the gtk-calendar-mark-day function and to remove the marker, the gtk-calendar-unmark-day function. Alternative, all marks can be cleared with the gtk-calendar-clear-marks function.

The way in which the calendar itself is displayed can be altered using the gtk-calendar-display-options function.

The selected date can be retrieved from a gtk-calendar widget using the gtk-calendar-date function.

Users should be aware that, although the Gregorian calendar is the legal calendar in most countries, it was adopted progressively between 1582 and 1929. Display before these dates is likely to be historically incorrect.

Style Property Details

The horizontal-separation style property of type :int (Read)
Separation between week headers and main area.
Allowed values: >= 0
Default value: 4
The inner-border style property of type :int (Read)
The spacing around the day/week headers and main area.
Allowed values: >= 0
Default value: 4
The vertical-separation style property of type :int (Read)
Space between day headers and main area.
Allowed values: >= 0
Default value: 4

Signal Details

The "day-selected" signal
 lambda (calendar)    :run-first      
The signal is emitted when the user selects a day.
The gtk-calendar widget which received the signal.
The "day-selected-double-click" signal
 lambda (calendar)    :run-first      
The signal is emitted when the user double-clicks a day.
The gtk-calendar widget which received the signal.
The "month-changed" signal
 lambda (calendar)    :run-first      
The signal is emitted when the user clicks a button to change the selected month on a calendar.
The gtk-calendar widget which received the signal.
The "next-month" signal
 lambda (calendar)    :run-first      
The signal is emitted when the user switched to the next month.
The gtk-calendar widget which received the signal.
The "next-year" signal
 lambda (calendar)    :run-first      
The signal is emitted when user switched to the next year.
The gtk-calendar widget which received the signal.
The "prev-month" signal
 lambda (calendar)    :run-first      
The signal is emitted when the user switched to the previous month.
The gtk-calendar widget which received the signal.
The "prev-year" signal
 lambda (calendar)    :run-first      
The signal is emitted when user switched to the previous year.
The gtk-calendar widget which received the signal.

Slot Access Functions

Inherited Slot Access Functions

See also
