Package: gtk

Function gtk-widget-override-cursor

Lambda List

gtk-widget-override-cursor (widget primary secondary)


widget -- a gtk-widget object
primary -- a gdk-rgba color to use for the primary cursor, or nil to undo the effect of previous calls to the gtk-widget-override-cursor function
secondary -- a gdk-rgba color to use for the secondary cursor, or nil to undo the effect of previous calls


Sets the cursor color to use in a widget, overriding the "cursor-color" and "secondary-cursor-color" style properties. All other style values are left untouched.

Note that the underlying properties have the gdk-color color type, so the alpha value in the primary and secondary arguments will be ignored.


The gtk-widget-override-cursor function has been deprecated since version 3.16 and should not be used in newly written code. This function is not useful in the context of CSS-based rendering. If you wish to change the color used to render the primary and seconday cursors you should use a custom CSS style, through an application specific gtk-style-provider object and a CSS style class.

See also
