Package: gtk

Function gtk-widget-region-intersect

Lambda List

gtk-widget-region-intersect (widget region)


widget -- a gtk-widget object
region -- a cairo-region-t region, in the same coordinate system as widget->allocation, that is, relative to the GDK window for windowless widgets, relative to the parent window of the GDK window for widgets with their own window

Return Value

A newly allocated region holding the intersection of widget and region.


Computes the intersection of the area of the widget and region, returning the intersection. The result may be empty, use the cairo-region-is-empty function to check.


The gtk-widget-region-intersect function has been deprecated since version 3.14 and should not be used in newly written code. Use the gtk-widget-allocation and cairo-region-intersect-rectangle functions to get the same behavior.

See also
