Package: gtk

Function gtk-cell-renderer-start-editing

Lambda List

gtk-cell-renderer-start-editing (cell event widget path background area flags)


cell -- a gtk-cell-renderer object
event -- a gdk-event event
widget -- a gtk-widget object that received the event
path -- widget-dependent string representation of the event location, e.g. for gtk-tree-view widget, a string representation of a gtk-tree-path instance
background -- a gdk-rectangle instance with the background area as passed to the function gtk-cell-renderer-render
area -- a gdk-rectangle instance with the cell area as passed to the function gtk-cell-renderer-render
flags -- the gtk-cell-renderer-state render flags

Return Value

A new gtk-cell-editable widget, or nil.


Passes an activate event to the cell renderer for possible processing.

See also
