Package: gtk

GEnum gtk-image-type


Describes the image data representation used by a gtk-image widget. If you want to get the image from the widget, you can only get the currently stored representation. e.g. if the gtk-image-storage-type slot access function returns the :pixbuf value, then you can call the gtk-image-pixbuf function but not the gtk-image-stock function. For empty images, you can request any storage type, but they will all return nil values.
(define-g-enum "GtkImageType" gtk-image-type
  (:export t
   :type-initializer "gtk_image_type_get_type")
  (:empty 0)
  (:pixbuf 1)
  (:stock 2)
  (:icon-set 3)
  (:animation 4)
  (:icon-name 5)
  (:gicon 6)
  (:surface 7))  
There is no image displayed by the widget.
The widget contains a gdk-pixbuf object.
The widget contains a stock icon name.
The widget contains a gtk-icon-set structure.
The widget contains a gdk-pixbuf-animation object.
The widget contains a named icon.
The widget contains a g-icon object.
The widget contains a cairo-surface-t instance.

See also
